OPAMP round up & measurements: OPA2604, OPA637, AD823, …
2018年1月28日 · I had the chance to gather up a selection of opamps from my parts bin, including BB OPA2604, OPA637, AD823, LME49860, JR4556, Muses8820 and 8920, and compare them against each other along with a Burson V6 Classic (thanks to them for sending me an evaluation). Two cases were evalutated – in a...
ad8620 vs opa627 vs. opa637 vs. lm4562 - Head-Fi.org
2008年2月29日 · I've read about the 'Sondigo vs. X-fi Prelude' comparison a few threads down and I basically concluded from that the AD8620 might be considered better than the default LM4562. That said, a few people consder the OPA637 an 'upgrade' from the AD8620. Also comparisons of the OPA627 and OPA637 would be good. Help!
Page 482 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2009年7月4日 · The entire OPA627 line sounds obsolete compared against OPA828. Newer op amps provide a far more detailed and precise sound, which in turn also results in a broader tonal range.
High end OP's - LM6171 vs. OPA604 vs. OPA627 vs.
2002年1月2日 · Hi, an old question - what is your experience for this OP's in Audio High End amplifiers? Which have the "true, unsophisticated sound"? LM6171, OPA134, OPA627, OPA227, OPA604, AD812, AD823, or others - DIP case preferred. I listen all OP's I …
difference between opa627 ap and bp versions? - Head-Fi.org
2004年12月21日 · Hello, I was looking in ti site and there is a ap version and a bp version of the opa 627. What is the difference? Thank you Manuel
Good Alternative to OPA627? - Head-Fi.org
2005年3月23日 · The opa627 is a single opamp, so it takes 2 of them to replace each of the dual opamps in the dvd 2900. {total 28 opa627 to change all opamps in the audio stream of the 2900}
OPA627 or OPA 637? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2002年6月4日 · The OPA627/637 is a great opamp -- the 637, from what I've read, sounds a touch better than the 627 (probably because it's not internally compensated like the 627 is, and has a higher bandwith) but it is not stable in gains less than ~6.
fake opa627's in the wild. - Head-Fi.org
2008年4月15日 · All, I recently purchased some opa627's (bp) that didnt work as specified. I contacted Texas Instruments who have since confirmed they are counterfiet. I am waiting from a reply from the supplier before i release details, but its somewhere that has been suggested here as a good cheap...
OPA2107 - as power hungry as the OPA627/637? - Head-Fi.org
2002年6月4日 · Is the OPA2107 opamp anywhere near as power hungry as the OPA627/637? I hear it is a good alternative to the 637 and wanted to make sure it didn't eat batteries like the 637's do.
AD797 vs OPA627 ? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head …
2003年11月11日 · I don't know about compared to that AD opamp, but the OPA627 is a dark-sounding opamp with incredible detail and a very nice soundstage. The AD chips I have tried (AD823 and AD8620) have tended to be brighter sounding with less detail and soundstage, but more forgiving of recording artifacts and problems in the source. The AD chips were also more aggressive sounding compared to the laid-back ...