One Point Lessons (OPLs) in Manufacturing: a Complete Guide
One point lessons (OPLs)—sometimes called single point lessons—are visually rich and concisely written documents that teach operators how to perform a specific action. OPLs are quick to create and easy to consume, and are therefore a much-loved …
Guide: One Point Lesson - Learn Lean Sigma
The primary goal of an OPL is to streamline learning in a way that is both efficient and effective. By focusing on one point at a time, these lessons help in avoiding information overload and ensure that the core message is clearly conveyed and retained.
Master One-Point Lessons (OPL) In Lean
One-Point Lessons (OPLs) are here to save the day. They’re designed to share essential knowledge quickly, clearly, and visually, making them an indispensable tool in Lean environments. In this guide, we’ll break down what OPLs are, how to …
项目管理opl是什么意思 深入解析OPL在项目管理中的应用-板栗看 …
2024年12月4日 · 在项目管理领域,OPL(One Point Lesson)是一种有效的知识传递和问题解决工具。它通过将复杂问题简化为易于理解和执行的单页指导,帮助项目团队快速掌握关键信息,提升工作效率。
One Point Lesson for Manufacturers: Examples and Template
2024年10月24日 · What are one-point lessons (OPLs) and how do they deliver targeted information quickly. Learn how, paired with digital work instructions, OPLs streamline training, reduce errors, and make operations more agile and responsive. In manufacturing, having the right information at your fingertips can make all the difference.
OPL | One Point Lesson | Ideas For OPL | TPM | TPM in Industry - YouTube
Continuous improvement: OPLs promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. They provide a way to share best practices, give feedback and learn together. By presenting knowledge...
OPL - One Point Lesson | PPT - SlideShare
2018年11月1日 · OPL stands for One Point Lesson, which is an operational tool used to educate operators through simple diagrams and words. There are three main types of OPL: basic information sheets about components and maintenance, problem case studies of past issues, and improvement sheets with ways to enhance productivity and quality.
One Point Lesson — Operations Insider
2023年2月14日 · One Point Lesson (OPL) is a method used in the manufacturing industry that can greatly improve operational efficiency and overall quality. This method is often used within the context of Lean Management, which is a strategy that focuses on maximizing value while minimizing waste.
【优制TPM咨询好文】OPL一点课的实战落地技巧 - 搜狐
2023年3月10日 · OPL一点课(One Point Lesson),又称单点课,是一种在现场进行培训的教育方式,培训时间一般为10分钟左右,所以也叫“10分钟教育”。 OPL主要目的是在现场的基层人员如员工、班组长,分享工作中的一些工作中的技巧和方法。 这些技巧、方法在目前的SOP等文件中是没有书面记录的,是对SOP等标准操作文件的补充和完善。 通过OPL一点课的教育和分享,现场员工能够快速掌握现场作业的难点、要点和重点,使得现场作业效率更高、质量更好。 其次, …
One Point Lesson – OPL – Enhancing Your Business Performance
2018年5月15日 · What is an OPL? A tool to convey information. Designed to enhance knowledge and skills in a short time, at the right time, whenever needed. To upgrade levels of expertise by having individuals study, learn and then train others in the knowledge or skill. Who Creates OPL’s? Everyone!
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