Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
2014年8月25日 · This web site provides the official edition of Office of Personnel Management forms. The OPM Forms Management Program web site serves as the single source of information for forms belonging to and used by the Office of Personnel Management.
Standard Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Standard Forms are used governmentwide for various employment and benefits program purposes. Browse the listing below to download your choice of form (s). On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.
OPM Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Browse and download your choice of form (s) issued by the Office of Personnel Management.
Services Online
Services Online lets annuitants (federal retirees or their spouses, ex-spouses, and children) manage their account online. Your account is securely protected by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 1. Use the "Sign in with Login.gov" button above. 2. Sign in with your existing Login.gov account or "Create a new account" 3.
Forms Library - eOPF
The Forms Library is a representation of the OPM Master Forms List. For your convenience, the mostly used (Top Forms) are made available for download. Also available for export is the Master Forms List.
EHRI Electronic Official Personnel Folder - eOPF
This is an official United States Government computer system, which may be accessed and used only for official Government business by authorized personnel. Unauthorized access or use of this computer system may subject violators to criminal, civil, and/or administrative action.
To be eligible for a time limited promotion to higher-graded duties of a higher-graded position, an employee must meet the minimum qualification standards and time-in-grade requirements prescribed by the OPM. This regulatory provision does …
eCFR :: 5 CFR Part 335 -- Promotion and Internal Placement
To be eligible for promotion or placement, candidates must meet the minimum qualification standards prescribed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Methods of evaluation for promotion and placement, and selection for training which leads to promotion, must be consistent with instructions in part 300, subpart A, of this chapter.
OPM Home - OPM.gov
OPM works in several broad categories to recruit, retain and honor a world-class workforce for the American people.
Who stays and who goes during a RIF? OPM wants to change the …
2020年12月16日 · The Office of Personnel Management wants to change the rules for prioritizing which employees to keep and which ones to cut in a reduction in force (RIF). OPM will propose new draft regulations Thursday, which describe the agency’s plans to prioritize performance over length of service when choosing who to retain during a RIF.