ORFfinder Home - NCBI
ORF finder searches for open reading frames (ORFs) in the DNA sequence you enter. The program returns the range of each ORF, along with its protein translation. Use ORF finder to search newly sequenced DNA for potential protein encoding segments, verify predicted protein using newly developed SMART BLAST or regular BLASTP.
开放阅读框 - 百度百科
在分子生物学中,开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame,ORF)从起始密码子开始,结束于终止密码子连续的碱基序列,是DNA序列中具有编码蛋白质潜能的序列。 由于密码子(codon)读写起始位点的不同,mRNA序列可能按六种ORF阅读和翻译(每条链三种,对应三种不同的起始 ...
开放阅读框(open reading frames, ORFs)是什么? - 简书
2020年12月24日 · orf中的o,或者说open,是指完整基因中用于蛋白质翻译的“开放”区域;而rf,也即reading frame,是指双链基因序列翻译至氨基酸时的6种可能性之一。 ORF的三种定义
The Varicella-Zoster Virus ORFS/L (ORF0) Gene Is Required for Efficient ...
2010年9月15日 · An open reading frame (ORF) of unknown function, ORFS/L, also referred to as ORF0, is located at the extreme terminus of U L, directly adjacent to the a-like sequences, which are known to be involved in cleavage and packaging of viral DNA. We demonstrate here that the ORFS/L protein localizes to the Golgi network in infected and transfected cells.
分享6个基因结构预测分析工具_序列_蛋白_ORFinder - 搜狐
2023年8月26日 · ORFfinder用于分析查找序列中的ORF区 (open reading frame,开放阅读框)。ORFfinder使用标准的或其它特殊的遗传密码子查找序列中所有可能的ORF区,并推导出相应的氨基酸序列。 工具链接: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/orffinder/
基因序列中的一些名词区别(CDS、Exon、Intron、UTR、ORF、启 …
ORF:理论上的氨基酸编码区,一般是在分析DNA核酸图谱中(主要是利用电脑程序)得到的。 程序会自动在DNA序列中寻找启动因子(ATG或AUG),然后按每3个核酸一组,一直延伸寻找下去,直到碰到终止因子(TAA或TAG)。 程序把这个区域当成ORF区,认为理论上可以编码一组氨基酸。 但问题是,在一个整体核酸序列中寻找ATG并不靠谱。 因为寻找到的ATG很可能是两个氨基酸编码片段的尾和头的混合体。 如果以T为中心,会有三种编码组合的可能。 即: …
Primate-specific ORF0 contributes to retrotransposon-mediated …
2015年10月22日 · Here, we show that the primate LINE-1 5'UTR contains a primate-specific open reading frame (ORF) in the antisense orientation that we named ORF0. The gene product of this ORF localizes to promyelocytic leukemia-adjacent nuclear bodies.
Genetic Analysis of Varicella-Zoster Virus ORF0 to ORF4 by Use of …
2007年6月20日 · This virus grew like the wild-type virus, and the resulting luciferase activity could be quantified both in vitro and in vivo. Using PCR-based mutagenesis, open reading frames (ORF) 0 to 4 were individually deleted from VZV Luc genomes. The deletion mutant viruses appeared after transfection into MeWo cells, except for ORF4, which was essential.
Enhancing the annotation of small ORF-altering variants using …
5 天之前 · Introduction. Non-canonical small open reading frames (sORFs) located in untranslated regions (UTRs) surrounding the coding sequence (CDS, main ORF) of mRNAs are the main regulators of translation and can themselves be translated [1, 2].Upstream ORFs (upORFs) located in the 5′UTR have been the most studied sORFs for their role in the regulation of translation initiation.
Development of attenuated Orf virus as a safe oncolytic viral …
2025年2月25日 · Orf virus (ORFV) is gaining attention as a promising viral vector for cancer therapy because of its unique properties. Recent studies have shown that ORFV could be effective against various cancers, particularly nasopharyngeal carcinoma. This research explores the ability of wild-type ORFV and recombinant ORFVs, which lack specific virulence factors, to kill NPC cells and modulate the immune ...
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