NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help ... - GitHub
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options.
Releases · OS2World/UTIL-SYSTEM-NewView - GitHub
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options. - O...
NewView - OS2World.Com Wiki
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options.
NewView - eCSoft/2
2000年7月30日 · A replacement for View.exe, the original OS/2 help viewer. Major enhancements are: Select and copy direct from window; Easy to use global (all files) search; Remembers size & position; Most recently used files list; Almost complete German and Spanish translations included. Smooth scrolling display and more!
OS/2 - Wikipedia
OS/2 is a proprietary computer operating system for x86 and PowerPC based personal computers. It was created and initially developed jointly by IBM and Microsoft, under the leadership of IBM software designer Ed Iacobucci, [2] intended as a replacement for DOS. The first version was released in 1987.
OS2World · GitHub
OX2 is an OS/2 device driver which directs output to the AUX device to the monochrome monitor in a two-monitor system.
OS/2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Graphics - Viewer - OS/2 Site
PMJPEG v1.74 is an easy to use shareware image viewer with quick JPEG preview, image processing, conversion, and slideshow capabilities for OS/2 2.x and Warp. Supports the following file formats: BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG FIF, Kodak PhotoCD, MacPaint, PCX, PICT, PNG, PPM, Targa, and TIFF.
OS/2 Warp 4 系统试用及安装 Firefox - Lan Tian @ Blog
2025年3月12日 · 我们可以在 WinWorld 网站上下载 OS/2 Warp 4 的安装 ISO 镜像, 点击这里可以进入下载。 我下载的镜像是 IBM OS2 Warp 4.52 (,这是 OS/2 Warp 4 的最后一版发行的镜像,包含了之前的系统更新,类似于「Windows XP with SP3」。 下载完成的压缩包里包含有 Boot 和 Client 两个 ISO 镜像。 Boot 镜像是启动盘,用来启动 OS/2 的安装程序;之后,安装程序会提醒你取出 Boot 启动盘,插入包含操作系统文件的 Client 盘。 现在我们先在 …
为什么在那堆古老的操作系统中,OS/2没有被开源仿真? - 知乎
IBM推OS2是为了和微软争夺世界第一的宝座的,不是给爱好者玩的,IBM怎么会把自己的王牌开源呢? 并且那个时代,基本没有“ 开源 ”这种概念,软件公司都认为软件就是要卖钱的,免费开源简直不可思议。 而IBM这样的巨无霸更是这样认为的。 别说不要走,要说安心去…… 我记忆中,OS/2 的内核被 微软 收购,成为了 Windows NT 内核的基础…… 在同样是“被淘汰”的BeOS中,诞生了Haiku这个开源仿真品,同样境地的OS/2为什么却没有呢? (而且OS/2后…
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