OSC Narrowband Image Processing in PixInsight | Step-By-Step
2024年1月26日 · In the video shared at the top of this post, Paul shows you how to take an OSC (one-shot-color) image captured using a dual narrowband filter to create a Foraxx palette …
Astro Cameras: OSC vs. Mono - Which is Best? - Cosgrove's Cosmos
2022年2月16日 · There are two fundamental forms of Astro cameras: One-Shot-Color (or OSC) Cameras. Which one should you buy? Which one is “better"?” In this post, I will explore this …
OSC vs Mono Astro Camera Resolution - Cloudy Nights
2024年11月30日 · Just wanted to know from more experienced imagers if there is an apparent difference in image quality if you use a Mono version of the same sensor versus an OSC? The …
Extracting OIII, HA, SII with OSC camera - Cloudy Nights
2024年12月4日 · I picked up an L-ultimate filter (3nm Ha and Oiii) and shot the Wizard nebula. I used some standard processing and what I had done for many images by splitting the RGB …
How to extract Ha, Sii and Oiii from OSC images
2023年1月8日 · Because the O III filter is almost exclusively in the B and G channels, and the H-a and S II are almost exclusively in the R channel, these can both be processed to produce …
Creating a Hubble Palette Image from OSC Dual Band Data
When I first considered moving to an OSC camera, it dawned on me that I would not be able to produce the vibrant Hubble Palette images that I could produce by imaging with specific filters …
OSC images vs RGB images (no L) - Cloudy Nights
2024年8月24日 · I am wondering what would produce a better image of a broadband object such as a galaxy - an RGB image taken with a mono camera or one using the OSC version of the …
Guide: “Which filter should I use with my OSC camera?”
2024年3月19日 · Because our OSC camera sensors are naturally geared up for broadband targets, it’s not essential to use any filters to take good images of them. It can be beneficial, …
Monochrome vs. OSC Astrophotography: Understanding Key …
Monochrome astrophotography captures more detail and is better suited for narrowband imaging, especially in light-polluted areas. OSC (One-Shot Color) cameras are more convenient for …
OSC vs Mono from a city - Urban Astrophotography
2021年6月12日 · OSC stands for One Shot Colour. This type of camera allows you to capture full colour images in single shots — hence the name. They’re convenient and give good colour …