Thyroid Status Examination - OSCE Guide - Geeky Medics
2010年10月8日 · Lid lag refers to a delay in the descent of the upper eyelid in relation to the eyeball when looking downward. Lid lag is most commonly associated with Graves’ disease although it can be present in other thyrotoxic states (e.g. toxic multinodular goitre). Lid lag is thought to occur secondary to a combination of lid retraction and exophthalmos.
Thyroid status examination - Oxford Medical Education
Thyroid status examination and questions for medical student exams, finals, OSCEs and MRCP PACES . Intro (WIIPPPPEE) Wash your hands; Introduce yourself; Identity of patient – confirm; Permission (consent and explain examination) Pain? Position sitting in chair with room behind the chair for the examiner to stand; Privacy
Thyroid Exam – Zero To Finals
Signs of non–specific thyroid eye disease include lid retraction (increase in proportion of white sclera seen between eyelid and iris) and lid–lag. To test for the latter ask the patient to look upwards ands focus on your finger, then to follow your finger as you move it downwards; if lid-lag is present gaze will move downward faster than ...
新型技能操作考试模式——OSCE 你们开展了吗? - 丁香园论坛
OSCE考核模式 (Objective Structure Clinical Examination)即客观结构化临床考试,是一种多站式考核系统,通过案例和标准化病人(SP),分站点模拟临床场景考核护理人员临床实践技能的方法。通过OSCE,来测试考生的临床能力,同时也是一种知识、技能和态度并重的 ...
OSCE方法,避免了传统考试的 偶然性 和 变异性,减少了 主观性。 由于其众多的考试内容,使评价遍及 教育目标分类学 所包括的认知、情感和 精神运动 三个领域,充分发挥了考试的功能。 随着我国医师资格实践 技能考试 的科学化、标准化的不断加强,在实践技能考试中运用OSCE势在必行。 客观结构化临床考试,OSCE并不是某一种具体的考核方法,实际上OSCE只是提供一种客观的、有序的、有组织的考核框架,在这个框架当中每一个医学院、医院、医学机构或考试机构可 …
客观结构化临床考试(Objective Structured Clinical Examination,OSCE)是一种国际通用的考核方法,提供一种客观、有序、有组织的考核框架,通过模拟临床场景来测试医学生的临床能力,知识、技能和态度评价并重,可以避免传统考试的偶然性和变异性,减少主观性 ...
Common Conditions in OSCE Scenarios | Exam - Geeky Medics
2024年5月29日 · An list of the common high-yield conditions which can appear during clinical examination OSCE stations, including their common clinical signs.
OSCE簡介 | 中國醫藥大學醫學系 - China Medical University
因此「客觀結構式臨床技能評估」 (簡稱osce)已經逐漸成為各國醫師執照考試的重要發展方向。 國內在醫學院評鑑委員會 (TMAC) 的要求下,也已針對實施OSCE的可行性進行評估。
OSCE Sense
Design and delivery of the University of Southampton’s Med Soc Final year mock OSCE 2022. OSCEs just got easy. OSCE Sense is the home of clinical OSCE practice. All of our mock OSCEs are free, and peer reviewed. It's the tool we wish we had at medical school.
OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) - Practice Test …
The OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) is a pivotal assessment for healthcare professionals, designed to evaluate clinical competence in a structured and systematic way. Excelling in this examination requires strategic preparation, in …
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