OSL card for season tickets and value - Oulun Seudun Liikenne
Onto your OSL card, you can load season tickets and value that you can use to buy a single ticket for yourself and the person you are travelling with. Setting up a card costs 3.80 euros (incl. 14 …
Tickets and fares - Oulun Seudun Liikenne
Load season tickets and value onto your OSL travel card to buy single tickets. Children, youth, 65 years of age, students, people with disabilities and war veterans travel with discounted fares …
Season ticket - Oulun Seudun Liikenne - osl.fi
You can purchase a ticket to your OSL card from Waltti online store, Oulu10 service point or from R-kioski. The ticket loaded to a physical travel card come into effect when you use it for the …
Oulucard - Oulun kaupunki
Joukkoliikenteessä käytetään Oulun seudun liikenteen (OSL) matkakorttia. Joukkoliikennepalveluihin kortti rekisteröidään joko suoraan waltti.fi-nettikaupassa tai Oulu10 …
OSLDS | OSL Support Centre
osl於2023年8月2日獲香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)提升現有牌照,允許零售投資者在其平台註冊及交易數字資產產品. OSL會繼續向專業投資者和機構客戶提供服務。
OSL 加密貨幣交易平台開戶優惠 經小斯開戶有$500 Apple GIft Card
OSL 加密貨幣交易平台開戶優惠 經小斯開戶有$500 Apple GIft Card OSL係香港唯一合規持牌且上市嘅加密貨幣交易平台,受香港證監會監管,持有第 1、4、7、9 類牌照及 AMLO 牌照!無論 …
OSL on the App Store
With the OSL app, you can purchase single, daily, or 30-day season tickets for Oulu Region transport at any time and from anywhere. You have the option to buy multiple tickets in a …
OSL现已向零售投资者开放 | OSL Support Centre
2024年12月17日 · OSL于2023年8月2日获香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)提升现有牌照,允许零售投资者在其平台注册及交易数字资产产品。 OSL会继续向专业投资者和机构客 …
Public bus service - Oulun seudun liikenne
OSL App! Tickets and routes in one place. Top up your OSL card online (Waltti shop) Route planner and realtime info
My Account – Ocean State Libraries
When you get a library card, you automatically have an online account. To log in, visit http://catalog.oslri.net/ and click the Login to My Account link. Enter your 14-digit library card …