Start by typing your query into the searchbox. Or click any item on the map. eg. Empire State Building • Statues of Charles bridge. All map data is from OpenStreetMap, a map created by millions of contributors — similar to Wikipedia. You can find Edit button on each map feature.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license. Hosting is supported by Fastly, OSMF corporate members, and other partners. © OpenStreetMap contributors ♥ Make a Donation. Website and API terms. OpenStreetMap is the free wiki world map.
Comparison of Android applications - OpenStreetMap Wiki
This page gives an overview over the various OSM-related Android apps. In order for an app to be listed it has to be available either on F-Droid or the Google Play Store.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license. Hosting is supported by UCL, Fastly, Bytemark Hosting, and other partners. © …
OsmAnd | OsmAnd
OsmAnd is open-source navigation app and has particularly strong privacy policies — it doesn’t collect user data, and let you decide exactly what the app has access to. If you're a little bit technical then this could really be the best map app for walking around in cities.
OsmAPP - OpenStreetMap Wiki
OsmAPP osmapp.org is a project aiming to create a universal OSM web app for the broad public. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps and offer editing capabilities like Maps.me or Osmand. Both on web and mobile. A universal app for OpenStreetMap for everyday use. yes. editing – Save changes with osm login. Insert Notes for anonymous users.
zbycz/osmapp: Lets make a universal app for OpenStreetMap - GitHub
Let's create a universal app for OpenStreetMap ecosystem. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, including clickable POIs and editing capabilites. Built with React, Next.js and Maplibre GL.
osmandapp/OsmAnd: OsmAnd - GitHub
OsmAnd (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. All map data can be stored on your device's memory card for offline use.
推荐开源项目:OsmAPP - 公共友好的OpenStreetMap应用-CSDN …
2024年6月20日 · OsmAPP是一个致力于创建一个大众化、易用性堪比Google Maps的OpenStreetMap应用程序。 这个开源项目不仅仅提供了点击式的POI(兴趣点),还具备了编辑功能。 通过 SotM 2021 talk 您可以深入了解该项目的愿景和目标。 OsmAPP基于WebGL技术构建,支持在线编辑、信息面板显示以及地图搜索等功能。 项目采用先进的矢量地图技术,允许地图倾斜至3D视图,并可切换到3D地形模式。 此外,它还提供了一个旅游地图层,来自MapTiler, …
OsmAnd — Maps & GPS Offline - Apps on Google Play
2024年12月12日 · OsmAnd is an offline world map application based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), which allows you to navigate taking into account the preferred roads and vehicle dimensions. Plan routes based on inclines...