Open-source map styles – OpenMapTiles
OSM OpenMapTiles is a rich and familiar map based on the default OpenStreetMap Carto style rendered by Mapnik. The style showcases the power of OpenMapTiles by displaying all of its features.
Openstreetmap Themes & Skins | Userstyles.org
Get your custom Openstreetmap themes here and make the internet uniquely yours. Browse through our gallery and choose the ultimate Openstreetmap backgrounds. Endless themes and skins for Openstreetmap: dark mode, no ads, holiday themed, super heroes, sport teams, TV shows, movies and much more, on Userstyles.org
OSM Liberty:一款自由且美观的开源地图样式 - CSDN博客
2024年10月10日 · OSM Liberty 是一款基于 Maplibre 和 Mapbox GL 的开源地图样式,旨在为用户提供一个完全自由且可自托管的地图样式。作为 OSM Bright 的分支,OSM Liberty 基于免费的数据源,致力于打造
MapComplete - OpenStreetMap Wiki
2025年2月25日 · MapComplete is a thematic OpenStreetMap viewer and question-based editor with the aim of being really easy to use. The core idea is that at any time it shows just one theme which focuses on a single interest, e.g. cycling, nature, speeds, trees, climbing... It is possible to switch themes within the app.
OpenStreetMap Style - MapTiler
Explore cities, countries and continents at different zoom levels. OpenStreetMap vector and raster basemaps with all the features in the familiar style.
OSM Bright GL Style using OpenMapTiles - GitHub
OSM Bright GL Style using OpenMapTiles. Contribute to openmaptiles/osm-bright-gl-style development by creating an account on GitHub.
osm-styles:OSM Bright styles for GeoServer (at last!) - GitCode
OSM数据可能包含多种语言的标签。 样式使用以下字体支持多脚本标签渲染: 这些字体可以从各自的网站单独下载安装。 我们为您准备了一个 字体压缩包,包含了您所需的一套精简字体。 针对 Windows用户,确保字体对所有用户安装有效,可以通过右键点击字体文件,选择“为所有用户安装”。 Java运行时无法识别仅当前用户安装的字体。 提供的 压缩包 中包含一个批处理脚本,用于一键安装所有字体。 解压后,以管理员身份运行“fonts-install.bat”。 对于基于Debian的Linux发 …
Protomaps Basemaps - GitHub
Build a cartographic "basemap" PMTiles from OpenStreetMap + other datasources, plus MapLibre styles for displaying them in a browser. To get started, check out some basic examples: This repository is organized into parts: app: A single-page app, maps.protomaps.com for viewing and downloading basemap builds.
Vector Maps (Map Styles) - OsmAnd
Vector maps support a huge number of map styles for different activities such as cycling, hiking, riding by car or snowmobile, and others. Each map style can be customized to highlight or hide specific objects, and to switch between day and night modes.
GitHub - geosolutions-it/osm-styles: OSM Bright styles for GeoServer …
This is a GeoServer data directory with OSM layer and styles mimicking a OSM-bright style. Live example here
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