Transcendent Sound Vacuum Tube OTL Audio Amp Kits
It is silky smooth yet possesses uncanny detail and three dimensional imaging. It has to be heard to be understood. Words alone cannot reveal the OTL tube amp experience. We also have a world class tube line level preamps and tube phono preamp. Our tube amps and preamps are renown for their extremely low noise and musicality.
Son of Beast OTL Vacuum Tube Amp - Transcendent Sound
Reduction of heat. Draws only 1.4 amps at 120V. (0.7 amps on 230-240V) These developments greatly lower costs allowing many more people to enjoy the unmatched sonic qualities of OTL amplification. A power output of 15 watts per channel will drive many high-performance loudspeakers on the market.
Pinnacle 300B OTL - Transcendent Sound
The Pinnacle OTL. 300B Push Pull Tube Amp. 6 watts into 8 ohms,10 watts into 16 ohms. The Finest Sounding Amp We Have Ever Produced. Combines the sonic magic of the legendary 300B with. the incredible accuracy and realism of OTL technology. Virtually Dead …
Mini Beast Single Ended Class A OTL - Transcendent Sound
This is a top performing speaker that works extremely well with all Transcendent Sound amps. Coupled with this amp, fairly large rooms will be filled with sound. If more power is desired, the amp can be bridged into mono which will yield 4 watts into 8 ohms and 5 into 16. (Power does not double in bridged mode because the amp runs out of voltage.)
16 Ohm High Efficiecny Speaker - Transcendent Sound
The primary motivation for creating this speaker was to create an ideal match for the new Mini Beast amp. It certainly does that and more. It works perfectly well with all Transcendent Sound OTL amps and allows them to reach their full potential. This is a two-way design, incorporating planar tweeters with a sort of bass reflex low frequency ...
Transcendent Sound Products
Transcendent Sound Vacuum Tube Amps and Preamps. ... Push-Pull 300B OTL Amp. The Best OTL Ever. Learn More ...
Tubes and Circuits by Bruce Rozenblit - Transcendent Sound
The Son of Beast OTL: A state of the art, very low cost OTL amplifier that outputs 15W per channel. The 300B OTL: The most glorious 1.5 watts in all of audio. Pure single-ended, Class A sonic heaven. NOTE DESIGN CHANGES Change driver tube to …
Plans to Build a Single-Ended Cathode Follower Amp
4. Super quiet. It wasn’t easy to do, but we were able to get the noise down to well below 1 mV. The amp is as quiet as a low noise T16, which are commonly used to drive high-efficiency horn speakers. It is much more difficult to eliminate noise from single-ended tube amps than push-pull amps like the T16.
DIY Speakers - Transcendent Sound
DIY Speakers. The following speaker designs are not supplied by Transcendent Sound. They are presented to the DIY community for the personal use by hobbyists.
Beast Jr 40W OTL Monoblock Amp - Transcendent Sound
It all started back in 1996 with the model T8 OTL. Then came the T16, the Beast, the Son of Beast, the Pinacle, and now the Beast Jr. With each new model, improvements were made along the way. For over 25 years, Transcendent Sound has embarked upon a journey of discovery to develop the best sounding, highest performing amplifiers possible.