HIFIDIY论坛-【致敬作】自制国产分立OTL晶体管功放板 - Powered …
2024年9月18日 · 这套电路就是来自上世纪八十年代我国国产的“飞跃”牌12D1黑白电视机的伴音功放电路。 这套电路由全国专家联合设计,具有相当不错的性能,并且结构也并不算复杂,个人DIY爱好者也完全做得出来。 由于原版所使用的国产晶体管型号太老旧,现在已经很难买到(就算能买到的,一般也比较贵,都是文物收藏品级别了),再加上为了节约体积的考虑,我就把晶体管都换成了现代的型号。 小管不用多说,直接用最常见的2N5551和2N5401,大管的话,手里 …
You Can DIY! A 25W OTL Tube Amplifier - audioXpress
2022年2月23日 · My OTL design offers several solutions. First, in order to protect the loudspeakers in the event of a fault, it needed to be naturally current limiting without using auxiliary protection circuits. Another problem was how to realize a symmetrical output stage when tubes do not come as complementary NPN and PNP pairs as with transistors.
学 做超外差收音机之(一)OTL功放 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音 …
2018年6月6日 · 计划整机采用现代硅管,采用传统基本的七管机高频与中频的前部分,低放采用OTL电路。 输入输出变压器推挽式的电路很早以前就做过了,没什么难度。 音质与OTL电路相比较相差太多。 OTL明显声音低沉洪亮动听些。 下面电路是OTL基本电路,在便携式收音机中应用最多。 还有这个电路在以前的黑白电机中应用最多。 楼主二楼的OTL有点异,用6V的话何不用熊猫机的OTL,推动和未级是一样的,具体什么型号忘了,预低放是仿飞利 ... 暂时只是每种形式的 …
HIFIDIY论坛-一个简单耐听的OTL - Powered by Discuz!
2021年3月23日 · 于是自己找了个《无线电与电视》上曾经刊登过的otl线路,念其简单翻出家里存货安装一个功放;又在本月看到一个帖子问《怎么现在都没人做otl功放了?
Transcendent Sound Vacuum Tube OTL Audio Amp Kits
Transcendent Sound produces vacuum tube audio amplifier kits that utilize OTL (output transformerless) technology. This is where the vacuum tubes directly drive the loudspeaker with no intervening transformer. The result is an unbelievable clarity and realism that no other configuration can achieve.
HIFIDIY论坛-尝试制作大家伙:OTL胆机 - Powered by Discuz!
2021年7月5日 · otl胆机利用的是瞬间的大电流。 听音乐都要保留足够大的上动态,就是功率余量,家用一般听音的功率不大的,动态大的时间很短,对管子的寿命几乎没影响。
6080 OTL 胆机(转发) - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2023年10月7日 · 今天在一个法国网站看到一款6080电子管OTL胆机的DIY,自己觉得做的很好,所以搬运过来,供喜欢的朋友欣赏,如果你不喜欢,就不用往下看了。 不是我做的,所有技术问题无法了解。 如果不符合坛子要求,请版主直接删帖。 6080等效6N5P!管子离散很大线性勉强! 主要用途电源调整管,也可以用于音频功率放大. 谢谢分享。 老外制作的过程还是挺严谨的。 如果能附上电路图纸就好了. 3个管6080,组成OTL,输出10W/16欧.... 谢谢分享。 老外制作的过 …
仿制70年代的全分立元件宽电压调试简单OTL音频功率放大器 - 创意DIY …
2024年10月22日 · 第一步画PCB板,按照原作PCB画成放大器可以两种方式工作,使用双电源OCL与单电源OTL,转换工作方式采用短接形式,短接相应的短接点即可。 后来实际应用时出了问题不能在双电源方式下工作,上电不久就烧末级功率管,后来连前级都烧了,管子烧了3遍不敢再试了,查线路与原理图都没有发现有不对的地方。 PCB画好了拿去制板厂制板,在等待PCB到货期间把对管配好对。 做好的PCB到货,阻焊依然选酷黑。 焊板此处省略2000字。 板子焊好,在 …
6c19p se otl - diyAudio
I have an DIY amp inspired by Rosenblitz´s SE OTL. Instead of 6C19 I used 4x PL504 per channel with a single 12AT7 section as input stage. Rail voltages are +120V for the output tubes, +300V for the input stage and +-12V for bias and input stage heater. The cathode loads are homemade chokes, 600 turns 0.45mm wire on EI78 cores with ~0.5mm airgap.
Octal OTL DIY Tube Headphone Amp - diyaudioblog.com
2018年8月17日 · This article covers the latter, a very nicely made PCB which features an octal (8-pin) tube OTL headphone amp circuit. Specifically, this is an Aikido input with a White Cathode Follower output, based on John Broskie's design. The circuit is designed to power most headphones, including those with a 32 ohm impedance.
Schematic for 2A3/300B SET OTL amp - diyAudio
2015年11月28日 · Hello Folks, I am looking to replace my solid state amplifier with a tube amplifier. I have a pair of Klipschorns and a Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid preamp. I am wanting to build a 2A3 or 300B SET OTL amp if I can find …
My OTL design offers several solutions. First, in order to protect the loudspeak-ers in the event of a fault, it needed to be naturally current limiting without using auxiliary protection circuits. An-other problem was how to realize a sym-metrical output stage when tubes do not come as complementary NPN and PNP pairs as with transistors.
Tube OTL and Zotl amps - GroupDIY Audio Forum
2022年10月10日 · For "OTL Tube Amp" I would probably just do a Futterman style Amp using a sensible output tube that can drive 600 Ohm (maybe a few 6N30 in Parallel) and add P-Channel Mosfets in a compound feedback pair to drive low impedance loads. Yes, it's not strictly "OTL Tube" BUT is will give really high power and sound very much like a tube OTL Amp. ZOTL?
You Can DIY! A 25W OTL Tube Amplifier - Audioxpress
This document summarizes the design of a 25W OTL tube amplifier that can be built yourself. Key points: - The design uses a novel non-complementary totem-pole output stage with local feedback to achieve good symmetry and cancel even harmonics.
Simple OTL for beginners? | Page 4 - diyAudio
2024年1月8日 · Before designing a playback system that includes an OTL amplifier . . . I suggest starting a thread in the various classes of loudspeakers. Ask the experts for advice about wiring drivers in series, and what are the design ideas to make …
"Easy" OTL 40 watts with 6C33C Output Tubes - DIY AUDIO …
3 天之前 · I've just finished building my third OTL amp this weekend; a design by Tim Mellow that appeared in Audio Express in the February issue. It has a considerably simpler power supply arrangement than many OTL designs, which makes construction easier. It uses the monster 6C33C tubes of MIG fighter fame for the output stage.
Simplest OTL? - diyAudio
2005年7月8日 · Working around 80V, you can easily pull peak current of 0.7A, about 0.5A RMS. Drive voltage will be around 20V peak per grid, so a simple driver would suffice. One small bottle, two large bottles, a large bipolar DC supply, a very large heater supply: as "easy to build" as any other push-pull tube power amp. Power in 8Ω is about 2 watts.
OTL Headphone Amplifier / DAC - Jeremy Young Design
2020年4月13日 · The tube amplifier circuit utilises 12AU7/ECC82 input & 6080 triodes and is output transformerless (OTL) and should pair nicely with the high input impedance of my Sennheiser HD6xx headphones. Input options are either switchable line level analogue or …
Building an OTL headphone amp - advice? - diyAudio
2024年11月28日 · I'm putting together a headphone amp based on the 6N1P Headphone Amp which is in turn based on the Morgan Jones 6DJ8 Amp and I had a couple questions about proper usage. As you can see, resistor R7 runs from output to ground. Does R7 dissipate the load if headphones are not connected?
Output Transformer Less (OTL) Amplifier Circuits - Part 2
2024年9月29日 · The OTL-1 is the simplest circuit with the fewest tubes that has ever been made. It takes advantage of an important fact that dispels common audiophile misconceptions of amplifier power ratings: Small low power amplifiers used within their power range sound better than large high-power amplifiers.
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