orz - Know Your Meme
Meme Status Confirmed Year 2002 Origin Techside's FAQ forum Tags emoticon, stick figure, frustration, disappointment, china, japan, korea, taiwan text, sms Additional References Wikipedia. About. orz (also known as OTL) is an emoticon used to express one's feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually ...
Orz - Teh Meme Wiki | Fandom
Orz, stylized as °rz and also known as OTL, is an emoticon used to express one’s feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with face down; “O” represents the head, “R” as the arms and “Z” as the torso. In East Asian cultures, the shape of “Orz” resembles a body gesture that signifies ...
钢铁雄心 OTL 是什么意思 (不懂就问)? - 知乎
Over The Limbo(OTL),中文译名:迷失域之上。 这是一个开发人数超过70亿的超大型hoi4mod,而且破天荒地加入并改进了v2的pop系统。游戏的背景是德国输了一战和二战,俄罗斯帝国在一战末期被苏维埃政权推翻并且形成了一个共和国联盟。
OTL - Urban Dictionary
2004年12月16日 · Korean emoticon expressing desperation /disappointment. (an image of a man kneeling down with both hands to the ground) O = head T = arms to the ground L = legs
Orz - Teh Meme Wiki
File:Orz.gif Orz. About [edit | edit source]. Orz (also known as OTL) is an emoticon used to express one’s feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with face down; “O” represents the head, “R” as the arms and “Z” as the torso.
中文社区的梗与黑话 | 新秩序:欧洲末日 Wiki | Fandom
OTL——Our Time Line,也就是现实时间线。 特浓——即TNO。因为当你使用中文输入法输入“tno”时,候选词当中“特浓”往往靠前。 魔怔——原义“行动反常,像有精神病一样”,最初是中文键政圈常用形容词,由于键政圈与中文TNO社区高度重合,故也成为TNO粉丝的 ...
2006年10月13日 · 【网络小语】OTL是..这个符号叫失意体前屈 失意体前屈,原本指的是网路上流行的表情符号:_| ̄| 看起来像是一个人跪倒在地上,低着头,一副「天啊,你为何这样对我」的动作,虽然简单却很传神&nbs
OTL - NamuWiki
2024年12月13日 · Sometimes OTL emoticons are used as pilgrimage emoticons as one of the methods of pilgrimage on the Internet. In episode 28 of the Naver webtoon series "Good Things Pay" by Yoo Seong-yeon, OTL appears as a meme representing the turtle neck caused by excessive work in Koreans on Plant Wiki (written as La and read as Namuwiki). In the world of the webtoon, OTL is considered an expression that ...
OTL - 나무위키
2025年2月1日 · 예를 들어 Know Your Meme에는 OTL이 아닌 orz로 등재되어 있다. # 영문 위키백과도 마찬가지다. ... 패턴인데 반해 2 스테이지인 Look Out OTL 전용 패턴은 노트 수가 100개를 조금 넘는 패턴. 하지만 2번 정도만 틀리면 폭사다.
20張超好笑【OTL】 GIF 梗圖!快來看看網友們的搞笑創作!
20張超好笑【otl】 gif 梗圖!快來看看網友們的搞笑創作!還有線上梗圖產生器,讓你 diy 自己製作一張!
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