What Does 'OBCD' Mean On TikTok? The Viral Slang Term Explained
2023年3月13日 · It's a funny way to say "obesity" that combines the word with the acronym "OCD," which stands for "obsessive-compulsive disorder." The term has actually been used …
OBCD (Slang) - Know Your Meme
OBCD is an internet slang term and play on words used as an alternative to the word "obesity," as "O-B-C-D" sounds like "obesity" when each letter is spoken. The term, derived from "OCD," …
What does OBCD mean on TikTok? Origin of viral slang explained
2023年3月14日 · Urban Dictionary defines the term as: Literally means obesity. Term is used when one attempts to refer to one's state of obesity without actually saying the word. The term …
What Does Obcd Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The abbreviation OBCD is slang that stands for “Obesity.” It is used as a more subtle and fat-friendly term to replace the word obesity in discussions about a person’s or a …
Building Codes Division : Building Codes Division : State of Oregon
The Building Codes Division (BCD) provides code development, administration, inspection, plan review, licensing, and permit services to the construction industry.
奉行クラウド - OBC
処理を実行できませんでした。 再度、処理を実行してください。 同じメッセージが表示される場合は、お手数ですが当サービスのお問い合わせ窓口までご連絡ください。
为EDI程序分配总账科目和税码 – 第 2 页 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
示例数据的开票方公司代码是C100,对应的合作伙伴FC100,销项税码是X1,税率17.000%;收票方的国家是CN(中国),对应的进项税码是J1。 注意在维护税率时要保持3位小数, …
笔记本电脑的0bcd是什么意思_百度问一问 - Baidu
2022年3月1日 · 摘要 逛网店要购买联想笔记本时,总发现标题出现几个不知什么意思的字符(如:0NCD 0BCD 02CD 0LCD 0MCD),本文说说它们之间的区别。 其实,它们就是代表一种配 …
obcdc 开发说明-V4.1.0-OceanBase 数据库文档-分布式数据库使用 …
obcdc 是 C++ 编写,编译产出物为动态库,下游消费程序开发时需要依赖动态库和头文件(libobcdc.h、ob_errno.h)。 obcdc 依赖 oceanbase-ce-libs 包,可以通过 软件中心 进行下 …
Home - OBCD
OBCD takes inspiration from the analysis of a new entrepreneurship paradigm. Based on the necessity of combining economic growth and social innovation, the project aims to create …