What Does 'OBCD' Mean On TikTok? The Viral Slang Term Explained
Mar 13, 2023 · It's a funny way to say "obesity" that combines the word with the acronym "OCD," which stands for "obsessive-compulsive disorder." The term has actually been used online since as early as 2008 on Twitter, but only gained significant virality in August 2022 after YouTuber Nikocado Avocado uploaded a mukbang video.
OBCD (Slang) - Know Your Meme
OBCD is an internet slang term and play on words used as an alternative to the word "obesity," as "O-B-C-D" sounds like "obesity" when each letter is spoken. The term, derived from "OCD," meaning "obsessive-compulsive disorder," was first defined on Urban Dictionary in 2011 but has been used online since as early as 2008.
What does OBCD mean on TikTok? Origin of viral slang explained
Mar 14, 2023 · Urban Dictionary defines the term as: Literally means obesity. Term is used when one attempts to refer to one's state of obesity without actually saying the word. The term OBCD went viral when...
What Does Obcd Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
Sep 19, 2023 · The abbreviation OBCD is slang that stands for “Obesity.” It is used as a more subtle and fat-friendly term to replace the word obesity in discussions about a person’s or a society’s weight. The term has been around since 2008 but gained viral popularity on TikTok in 2022 after being clipped from a popular mukbang video.
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The Building Codes Division (BCD) provides code development, administration, inspection, plan review, licensing, and permit services to the construction industry.
奉行クラウド - OBC
処理を実行できませんでした。 再度、処理を実行してください。 同じメッセージが表示される場合は、お手数ですが当サービスのお問い合わせ窓口までご連絡ください。
为EDI程序分配总账科目和税码 – 第 2 页 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
示例数据的开票方公司代码是C100,对应的合作伙伴FC100,销项税码是X1,税率17.000%;收票方的国家是CN(中国),对应的进项税码是J1。 注意在维护税率时要保持3位小数,如17.000。 在此注意,接收方的国家可以为空值,当为空值时,则先于特定国家的取值,当有多个国家时会出现错误匹配,故建议国家不要维护成空值。 (R/O列:R必输;O选输。 表3 示例数据. 表4 操作路径. 操作方法有两种: 在前台执行事务码OBCD进入。 进入后如图 6所示,点击“新条目”按 …
笔记本电脑的0bcd是什么意思_百度问一问 - Baidu
Mar 1, 2022 · 摘要 逛网店要购买联想笔记本时,总发现标题出现几个不知什么意思的字符(如:0NCD 0BCD 02CD 0LCD 0MCD),本文说说它们之间的区别。 其实,它们就是代表一种配置,它们往往用来区分笔记本的内存、硬盘、颜色等。 ThinkPad当中一款产品会有N种配置组合,为了能区分不同配置,采用了一串型号代码作为区分,前面提到的那几个字符其实就是这些型号代码的后四位. 逛网店要购买联想笔记本时,总发现标题出现几个不知什么意思的字符( …
obcdc 开发说明-V4.1.0-OceanBase 数据库文档-分布式数据库使用 …
obcdc 是 C++ 编写,编译产出物为动态库,下游消费程序开发时需要依赖动态库和头文件(libobcdc.h、ob_errno.h)。 obcdc 依赖 oceanbase-ce-libs 包,可以通过 软件中心 进行下载安装。 安装完成后执行 ldd ./libobcdc.so 命令,检查本地是否有缺少的动态库,如果有缺少,请保证所有依赖库都在本地,并为使用 libobcdc 的程序配置 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 保证 obcdc 可以正常连接,例如 oceanbase-ce-libs 中的 libmariadb.so.3。 libobcdc.h 中有详细的接口说明,您可以 …
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OBCD takes inspiration from the analysis of a new entrepreneurship paradigm. Based on the necessity of combining economic growth and social innovation, the project aims to create more inclusive, creative and sustainable societies and economies.