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What does OBIP stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Looking for the definition of OBIP? Find out what is the full meaning of OBIP on Abbreviations.com! 'Ohio Business Intelligence Portal' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
OBIP - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does OBIP stand for? OBIP abbreviation. Define OBIP at AcronymFinder.com.
油气藏开发名词解释(知识量巨大、珍藏版) - 搜狐
Jul 11, 2018 · 探明储量是在油 (气)田评价钻探阶段完成或基本完成后计算的地质储量,在现代技术和经济条件下可提供开采并能获得经济效益的可靠储量。 探明储量是编制油田开发方案、进行油 (气)田开发建设投资决策和油 (气)田开发分析的依据。 单储系数 reserves per unit volume. 油 (气)藏内单位体积油 (气)层所含的地质储量。 通常采用每米油层每平方千米面积内所含的地质储量来表示(104t/km2 ·m)。 地质储量丰度 abundance of OOIP. 是指油 (气)藏单位含油(气)面 …
Office des biens et intérêts privés — Wikipédia
L'Office des biens et intérêts privés (par abréviation OBIP) est un organisme public français créé en 1917 pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, dans le cadre de l'économie de guerre, pour recenser les biens et intérêts de particuliers français tombés aux mains de l'ennemi, que ces biens soient localisés « en pays ennemis ou en ...
OBIP - Information Technology - Acronym Finder
Definition of OBIP in Information Technology. What does OBIP stand for?
OBIP - What does OBIP stand for? The Free Dictionary
Looking for online definition of OBIP or what OBIP stands for? OBIP is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
OBIP Definition - Law Insider
OBIP means the Option -Based Incentive Plan established by LiveVox in 2014. APCA submits that the suspension and termination provisions in the APCS regulations continue to result in a benefit to the public through the protection of the security, …
OpsB Consulting Operational Transformations That Lead to …
The firm employs a unique, holistic approach known as the Multiphase Operational Breakthrough Improvement Plan (OBIP), which serves as a comprehensive roadmap for optimization and control. Our OBIP framework consists of three different phases where we evaluate supply chain operations, program and project management, go-to-market, and ...