OMIT中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
OMIT翻译:疏忽,遗漏;删节,排除。 了解更多。
Neglect, omit and ignore 三个表示 “疏忽” 的单词
“Omit” 这个词语相对要正式一点,它表示 “有意或无心地漏掉、疏漏”。 比如,小刘的工作是确认稿件里没有遗漏内容:She edits books and makes sure nothing is omitted from the script before it gets published.
【交流一下】stata回归出现(omitted)的解决办法 - Stata专版
【交流一下】stata回归出现(omitted)的解决办法,rt,本人在用面板数据做FE回归出现omitted,如果改为RE回归就不会出现。 随后lz将xtset id year 改为 xtset year id 也可以避免出现omitted虽然可以得到想要的结果,内在原因仍不清楚,求大神指点。 ,经管之家 (原人大经济论坛)
obmit, v. meanings, etymology and more | Oxford English Dictionary
What does the verb obmit mean? There is one meaning in OED's entry for the verb obmit. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence. This word is now obsolete. It is last recorded around the late 1600s. Where does the verb obmit come from? The earliest known use of the verb obmit is in the mid 1500s.
obmit 中文是什么意思 - 查查在线翻译
To omit or slur over ( a syllable, for example ) in pronunciation. Don't omit his name from the list. 名单上不要遗漏了他的名字. Produces a listing file on the standard output. If you omit option , no file is produced. 在标准输出中产生一个列表文件, 如果忽略则无. Don't omit a single detail. 不要漏掉任何细节. Its a language habit of the ancients to omit prepositional object. 省略介词宾语是古人 …
"omit"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Omit means to not include something. An example is "they asked me for my full name, but I omitted my last name" (so instead of saying "My name is John Smith" they said "My name is John" Another example is "I will omit this word because it is extra."
obmit中文, obmit中文意思 - 查查綫上翻譯
omit - 百度百科
omit是一个 英语单词,主要用作 动词,意为“省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽”等 [1]。 v. 省去,遗漏;不做,未能做. 1If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18.学生可以免做16–18题。 《牛津词典》 2There are as many textbooks that omit it as a type of movement as include it.也有不少课本没有把它包括在冰川移动的一种类型里。 3Omit dull and ineffective generalities and make sure you give concrete examples.避免枯燥、无效的空谈,并确保你给出了具体的例子。
【omit_-】什么意思_英语omit_-的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_在 …
省去,遗漏;不做,未能做. If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18. 学生可以免做16–18题。 This technique allows researchers to create solutions that selectively omit certain nutrients and then observe the resulting effects on the plants. 这项技术使研究人员能够创造出选择性忽略某些营养成分的溶液,然后观察其对植物的影响。
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