Optical Carrier transmission rates - Wikipedia
OC-3072 is a network interface with transmission speeds of 159,252 Mbit/s (payload 153,944,064 Mbit/s). [8]
OC-3072 packet classification using BDDs and pipelined SRAMs
We illustrate our approach by applying it to the longest prefix matching for IP forwarding, and present evidence that our scheme can perform a billion matches per second on a CAIDA backbone forwarding table containing 60,000 prefixes. We show how our approach generalizes to classifying packets on multiple fields. Published in: HOT 9 Interconnects.
2014年11月5日 · 光学载波(OC)是在一个有许多确定水平的SONET(Synchronous Optical Network,同步光纤网)光纤网络中的一组信号带宽。它通常表示为OC-n,其中,n是51.8 Mbit/s基本速率多路技术元素。目前定义的标准有: OC-1 — 51.8 Mbit/s OC-3 — 155.52 Mbit/s OC-12
OC/STS/STM-1、3、12、48 - CSDN博客
2013年6月16日 · 光学载波1 (OC1或OC-1)是一种使用光纤、传输速率为51.84 Mbit/s (有效负荷:50.112 Mbit/s;平均负荷:1.728 Mbit/s)的SONET线路。 它是SONET 光纤线路的基本速率,而另外一个SONET的速率水平是在它的基础上加倍的。 光学载波1等同于 (Synchronous Transport Signal)STS -1 (电平)和 (Synchronous Transport Module)STM -0 (SDH)。 光学载波3 (OC3 or OC-3)是采用传输速率为155.52 Mbit/s (有效负荷:150.336 Mbit/s;平均负荷:5.184 Mbit/s), …
OC-3072 Packet Classification Using BDDs and Pipelined SRAMs Amit Prakash Adnan Aziz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Texas at Austin prakash [email protected] Abstract We present a solution to the problem of quickly classi-fying packets. Our approach is based on techniques from logic synthesis.
同步光网络(SONET,Synchronous Optical Networking)简介
2012年7月24日 · OC等级结构定义了SONET的传输速率,从OC-1到OC-3072,提供不同带宽的信号传输。 1、简介. 同步光网络 (SONET,代表Synchronous Optical Networking)是使用光纤进行数字化信息通信的一个标准。 为了传送大量的电话和数据业务就开发了它用以替换准同步数字体系(PDH)系统,它由Telcodia 的GR-253-CORE定义。 2、概要. SDH(代表Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)标准建立在SONET发展的经验上。 今天SONET和SDH两种技术体制都被广泛的 …
OC3072 packet classification using BDDs and pipelined SRAMs
We propose a novel multifield classification scheme, called P 2 C, which exploits the strengths of state-of-the-art memory technologies to provide wire-speed classification performance for OC-192 and beyond, in combination with very high storage efficiency and the support of …
On the design of hybrid DRAM/SRAM memory schemes for fast packet ...
We address the design of a packet buffer for future high-speed routers that support line rates as high as OC-3072 (160 Gb/s), and a high number of ports and service classes. We describe a general design for hybrid DRAM/SRAM packet buffers that …
OC-n Fiber - nationwidebandwidth.com
SONET has various Optical Carrier (OC) levels from 51.8 Mbps (OC-1) to 160 Gbps (OC-3072) Some Key Details About Optical Carrier Lines: Small and medium sized businesses that require high-speed Internet connectivity may use OC-3 or OC-12 connections. ISPs which require much larger amounts of bandwidth may use one or more OC-48 connections.
Design and implementation of high-performance memory ... - IEEE …
In this paper, we address the design of a future high-speed router that supports line rates as high as OC-3072 (160 Gb/s), around one hundred ports and several