What is the essential difference between ordinary differential ...
2015年8月25日 · $\begingroup$ What I don't see in any of the answers: while for ODE the initial value problem and some boundary value problems have unique solutions (up to some …
Difference between ordinary and partial differential equations
2018年10月9日 · So the temperature of the bar satisfies a PDE - the heat equation. As time goes by, the temperature of the bar approaches an equilibrium state where its temperature does not …
Maple vs Mathematica: What's Better for Symbolic Manipulation, …
2004年7月8日 · I've heard Maple is better for various tasks, such as symbolic manipulation, ODE, and PDE solving. However, I've also heard that Mathematica is superior in the field of …
Which Class Should I Take: Upper Division ODE or PDE? - Physics …
2013年11月9日 · The ODE looks like a proper math course. The PDE looks like a fairly gentle tour around a few standard equations and numerical methods (but not necessarily methods that …
Can't decide between PDE or ODE or both - Physics Forums
2013年7月18日 · Here is the description for the actual ODE (which is higher than differential equation and pde. Math 430 Ordinary Differential Equations I: Picard existence theorem, linear …
Identifying Linearity in Differential Equations: ODE vs. PDE
2008年12月7日 · A Spectral Theorem to Convert PDE into ODE. May 30, 2018; Replies 2 Views 2K.
Difference in numerical approach for PDE vs ODE - Physics Forums
2016年6月8日 · If you use the straightforward finite differencing for a PDE, you usually encounter numerically unstable behavior, which means that the numerical errors in your solution grow …
Linear vs nonlinear differential equation - Mathematics Stack …
$\begingroup$ If the ODE has the unknown function and/or its derivative(s) as an argument of a trigonometric, hyperbolic trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and/or n-th root function, the …
Ode and pde-the major difference - Physics Forums
2006年2月14日 · What is so special in a partial differential equation that it requires so many methods as follows. What is the difficulty that makes the ode and pde different in their solution …
What Do ODE, PDE, DDE, SDE, and DAE Stand For? - Physics Forums
2013年2月12日 · ODE=Ordinary Differential Equations ( ;O I hope this is right, I took a course on... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides …