Meet Odoo 17
Fear not – with Odoo 17 comes a solution! The new industry module is designed to jumpstart the whole process. No need to start from scratch anymore; simply choose your industry from the library, and a selection of related apps will be automatically installed, already preconfigured with business flows and demo data for your industry.
Odoo Documentation — Odoo 17.0 documentation
Contributing. You want to contribute to Odoo but don't know where to start? The tutorials and guidelines are there to help you make Odoo even better.
Odoo 17 Release Notes | Odoo
Importation de factures fournisseurs et correspondance de bons de commande. Lors de l'importation de factures fournisseurs à partir de systèmes de facturation électronique pris en charge par Odoo (par ex. les factures UBL 3.0), Odoo fait maintenant une correspondance partielle entre les lignes du bon de commande et l'autocomplétion de la facture pour les lignes …
Odoo 17 Release Notes | Odoo
Odoo es un conjunto de aplicaciones de código abierto que cubren todas las necesidades de tu empresa: CRM, comercio electrónico, contabilidad, inventario, punto de venta, gestión de proyectos, etc.
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Odoo 17 Community Enterprise; Windows: ... Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all ...
Odoo 17 Release Notes | Odoo
When importing vendor bills from electronic invoicing systems supported by Odoo (e.g., UBL 3.0 invoices), Odoo now does partial purchase order lines matching and bill autocomplete for matching lines based on unit price and product name. The remaining non-matched lines are added separately on the vendor bill.
Descargar - Odoo
Odoo es un conjunto de aplicaciones de código abierto que cubren todas las necesidades de tu empresa: CRM, comercio electrónico, contabilidad, inventario, punto de venta, gestión de proyectos, etc. La propuesta única de valor de Odoo es ser muy fácil de …
Which Werkzeug version is compatible with Odoo 17 & 18?
I am setting up Odoo 17 and planning for Odoo 18, but I want to ensure compatibility with the correct Werkzeug version. Since Werkzeug updates sometimes cause issues with Odoo, could anyone confirm the preferred or recommended *Werkzeug version* for *Odoo 17 & 18*? Also, are there any specific configurations or dependencies that need to be considered when installing …
Certificación funcional de Odoo 17 (Español)
2024年3月11日 · Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated.
Community - Odoo
Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated.