HM Series HM400/500S - Nidec Corporation
This popular horizontal machining center, with its speed, precision, power, and rigidity improved to the best extent possible, is available with its costs reduced to the minimum. the best-in-class speed and performance, this model is now available with significantly improved performance.No. 50 taper spindle is also available.
HMシリーズ HM400/HM500S | ニデック株式会社 - Nidec …
鉄系部品、鋳物部品、金型部品などの加工まで、幅広い加工要求に応えるコンパクト横形マシニングセンタ。 ボールねじは、中空冷却方式を採用し、送りモータ端面とともに機体温度に同調した強制冷却を行い、また支持方法はダブルアンカ方式を採用。 (データベースサイト「EMIDAS」を通じてダウンロードが可能です。 ダウンロードにはEMIDASの会員登録が必要です。
This popular horizontal machining center, with its speed, precision, power, and rigidity improved to the best extent possible, is available with its costs reduced to the minimum. The best-in-class speed and performance, this model is now available with significantly improved performance. No. 50 taper spindle is also available.
HM400/HM500S | 尼得科/NIDEC
hm400/hm500s. 速度、精度、力量和刚性。彻底改善了加工中心的基本性能并降低了成本的卧式加工中心畅销系列产品。 该系列产品在同类产品中以“最快、最强”著称,在性能方面取得了惊人的进步。也可提供50号锥度的主轴。
HM-series horizontal machining centers are built with OKK’s exceptional designs and provided with superior performance ensuring high-speed machining, rigidity, reliability, and chip evacuation. Heavy cutting capability is just one of HM-series specialties achieved by incorporating a highly developed rigid box-shaped frame.
NIDEC OKK Europe - HM Series
OKK’s exceptional design is used in the entire horizontal machining center HM-series. This series ensures high-speed machining, rigidity, reliability, and chip evacuation. Heavy cutting which is achieved by incorporating a highly developed rigid box-shaped frame is …
Horizontal Machining Center - NIDEC OKK USA CORPORATION
At NIDEC OKK USA CORPORATION, we specialize in providing state-of-the-art Vertical Axis Machines, designed to revolutionize your manufacturing processes. Our machines combine precision engineering with the latest in automated technology, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in your production line.
OKK日本机床卧式加工中心HM系列HM400/HM400/50 HM500S/ …
本公司生产销售机床卧式加工中心 加工中心,提供机床卧式加工中心专业参数,机床卧式加工中心价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.机床卧式加工中心 机床卧式加工中心 品牌okk|产地江苏|价格138.00元|工作台尺寸400~500|最大装载质量120KG|主轴锥孔BT40~BT50 ...
日本OKK卧式加工中心系列HM series - ouzhoujc.com
日本OKK卧式加工中心系列HM series彻底提高高速,精度,功率,基本性能,有效控制加工成本的卧式加工中心。 机型 X,Y,Z 轴行程
OKK 日本 Nidec 卧式加工中心 HM400 | 51机床网
OKK HM400 铣床 卧式加工中心 . X轴最大行程 630mm; Y轴最大行程 620mm; Z轴最大行程 710mm; 工作台长度 400mm; 任何购机问题可以拨打咨询电话 400-101-5951