Ōko | Seiyapedia | Fandom
Ōko (王虎 Wang-Hu) is an anime-only warrior who trained alongside Shiryu in Rozan under Dohko 's tutelage, in order to obtain the Dragon Bronze Cloth and become a Saint. He was quite powerful, but he had a violent temper, breaking the rules and seeking fight with whoever he could.
Ōko | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Ōko (王虎, Pinyin: Wang Hǔ, King Tiger) Oko is a mighty warrior and a villain of the manga Saint Seiya and the anime series of the same name. Only appears in the animated version of the story, in some filler episodes. He was a former pupil of the Gold Saint Libra DōkO (also known as …
Ōko | Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Ōko u Okko (王虎, Ōko) es un personaje que aparece sólo en el Anime, donde junto a Shiryū fue de los discípulos del viejo maestro hasta que este lo expulso dado los comportamientos violentos de Ōko. Ōko es un hombre alto, fornido y musculoso, de piel morena clara y larga cabellera castaña oscura, casi negra.
Ouko (Saint Seiya) - MyAnimeList.net
Read more information about the character Ouko from Saint Seiya? At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world!
Saint Seiya - Wikipedia
Saint Seiya (Japanese: 聖闘士星矢 ( セイントセイヤ ), Hepburn: Seinto Seiya), also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply Knights of the Zodiac (translated from the French title Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque), [5] is a Japanese manga …
Ōko — SaintSeiyaPedia
Ōko est un "bad boy" typique, anti-héros par excellence. Ce personnage a une particularité rare dans Saint Seiya, celle d'être un combattant qui n'appartient à aucun groupe, un véritable solitaire.
圣斗士星矢Time Odyssey - 百度百科
《圣斗士星矢Time Odyssey》是由圣斗士原著作者车田正美授权、秋田书店以及法国KAKA出版社共同制作的圣斗士外传作品,故事时间线是发生在星矢等人打败白银圣斗士之后到“黄道十二宫篇”之前 [1]。 剧情内容不同以往,而是另辟蹊径地以青铜圣斗士凤凰座 一辉 为人物核心,成为被冥王军统帅 潘多拉 选中成为冥王哈迪斯肉身的故事。 漫名“Odyssey”,直译就是“奥赛德”,在古希腊中是最重要的两部史诗中的一部。 2000年前曾以一段叹息之墙同人动画推动冥王篇动画化的 …
Ohko - Saint Seiya Wiki | Fandom
Ohko (オウコ, Ouko) foi um antigo aprendiz de Dohko de Libra e rival de Shiryu pela conquista da Armadura de Dragão. É um personagem exclusivo do anime produzido pela Toei em 1986. Do japonês, significa Rei Tigre. Alusão ao animal no qual baseia seu estilo de luta.
Ōko – Seiya.com.br
2022年8月30日 · Aficionado sectário de Saint Seiya desde 1994, sou um misoneísta ranzinza. Impelido pela inexorável missão de traduzir todas as publicações oficiais da série clássica, continuo a lutar. Abomino redublagens.
#Okôの人気イラストやマンガ - pixiv - pixiv(ピクシブ)