Open Lighting Architecture
The Open Lighting Architecture is a framework for lighting control information. It supports a range of protocols and over a dozen USB devices. It can run as a standalone service, which is useful for converting signals between protocols, or alternatively using the OLA API, it can be used as the backend for lighting control software.
Using OLA - Open Lighting
OLA is a framework that allows applications to send and receive DMX using various hardware devices and DMX over IP protocols. Hardware devices and protocols can also be connected together and OLA will route the DMX data between the two.
OpenLightingProject/ola: The Open Lighting Architecture - GitHub
The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) is a framework for controlling entertainment lighting equipment. Within the entertainment lighting industry, the Digital Multiplex protocol (DMX-512) and IP variants such as Streaming ACN (sACN) are used to control lighting fixtures.
Getting Started - Open Lighting
There are currently two main platforms for Open Lighting Architecture: Linux and Mac OS X. Please check out their respective pages. Install on Linux. Install on OS X. Download & Install OLA Using OLA – A basic introduction OLA Command Line Tools – Documentation for the tools in ola-examples OLA Device Specific Configuration OLA Tips & Tricks
Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) 常见问题解决方案-CSDN博客
2024年11月6日 · Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) 是一个用于控制娱乐照明设备的框架。 它主要用于娱乐照明行业,支持多种协议,如DMX-512和Streaming ACN (sACN)。 OLA 提供了一个抽象层,使得开发者可以专注于生成控制信息,而不必实现对不同硬件设备和网络协议的支持。 OLA 主要运行在 Linux 和 Mac OS X 系统上,部分功能也支持 Windows。 OLA 项目主要使用 C++ 编程语言,同时也包含一些 Python 和 Shell 脚本。 1. 安装依赖问题. 问题描述:新手在安装 OLA …
Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) 开源项目教程-CSDN博客
Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) 是一个用于控制娱乐照明设备的框架。 在娱乐照明行业中,数字多路复用协议(DMX-512)和IP变体(如流式ACN(sACN))用于控制照明设备。 OLA提供了一个抽象层,将各种协议的使用抽象化,使照明控制软件的开发者能够专注于生成控制信息,而不必实现对不同硬件设备和网络协议的支持。 OLA 运行在 Linux 和 Mac OS X 上,部分功能也支持 Windows。 OLA 还可以用于在不同网络协议之间进行转换。 通过使用 USB 到 DMX512 设 …
推荐:开放照明架构 - OLA-CSDN博客
2024年5月10日 · Open Lighting Architecture(OLA) 是一个强大的框架,用于控制娱乐照明设备。 在舞台灯光行业,数字多路协议(DMX-512)和IP变体如流式传输ACN(sACN)是控制灯具的标准。 OLA提供了一种分布层,将各种协议抽象出来,让灯光控制软件的开发者可以专注于生成控制信息,而无需关心不同硬件设备与网络协议的实现细节。 OLA支持Linux和Mac OS X,并部分兼容Windows。 不仅如此,它还可以作为DMX-over-IP到DMX512的网关,将不同网络协议相互 …
Open Lighting Architecture Developer Documentation
2013年1月8日 · The Open Lighting Architecture is a flexible framework for working with lighting control protocols such as DMX512 and [RDM] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDM_ (lighting%29). It contains a framework library (libola), a C++ API (libolaclient) and the main program (olad). Features OLA can act as a gateway, where it converts between different ...
Documentation for the Open Lighting Architecture
Documentation for the Open Lighting ArchitecturePlugin Config Files Doxygen (All Versions) Man Pages
Open Lighting Project
The Open Lighting Project is a multi-faceted effort aimed at accelerating the adoption of new, standardized control protocols, while also providing high quality, reliable, open software for the lighting industry.