Oleg Dou | siteArt22gallery
Artist with an elusive personality born in Moscow in 1983, Oleg Dou tackles the theme of the portrait of a live model, entirely reworked using computer (in 2012, his mastery earned him the title of Adobe Photoshop Ambassador). His work attracts or disturbs: it leaves no one indifferent.
Oleg Dou - Arendt
The absence of roughness in the faces, rendered by the smoothing operation, highlights the eyes, which seem, through their intense fixation, to challenge the viewer and prevent him or her from turning away. Self-taught, Oleg DOU is today the most striking Russian artist of his generation.
捕捉完美的缺憾:怪誕攝影藝術家Oleg Dou - ppaper
2024年2月26日 · 在如此耳濡目 染的環境裡,Oleg Dou在7歲那年就已經決定把藝術家當成一生職志。 13 歲時,他獲得了一樣禮物,是一台全新的電腦。 透過螢幕、透過電腦 軟體,Oleg Dou開啟了另一個全然不同的藝術視野。
Oleg Dou - Altmans Gallery
Oleg Dou (born 1983) is one of the most prominent representatives of contemporary Russian photography on the world art scene. He gained fame thanks to large-format portraits in which faces are depicted like frozen masks completely devoid of emotions.
Oleg Dou_百度百科
Oleg Dou,俄罗斯摄影师。 1983年生于莫斯科,2005年开始从事摄影与设计行业,Fine art评他为年度职业最佳摄影师。 以“裸露的面孔”这一主题,获得多次奖项。 2012年,Adobe官方网站出现了他的身影(Oleg Dou & Adobe Photoshop CS6 介绍短片)。
Oleg Dou | Artnet
View Oleg Dou’s artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Learn about the artist and see available works for sale.
OLEG DOU - Behance
2024年3月13日 · Oleg Dou is a talented and renowned artist and photographer with an incredibly unique aesthetic and inspiring flair of his own. His works reflect a very deep knowledge of art and a distinct peculiar style.
Oleg Dou - Artworks for Sale & More | Artsy
Oleg Dou transforms photographic images of human faces, manipulating them with computer software to produce stylized features and airbrushed skin. When Dou’s parents, a painter and dress designer, gave him a copy of Photoshop at age 13, he began to …
Oleg Dou Photographe | Actuphoto
Oleg DOU, autodidacte, a pris l’Occident d’assaut en 2007 en séduisant instantanément les collectionneurs, la presse et le grand public. Avec une esthétique reconnaissable entre toutes, Oleg Dou a crée avec le médium photographique un monde à part.
Oleg Dou | SHOWstudio
Oleg Dou is a Russian photographer whose work represents self-expression through a series of stunning portraits. Having won the Professional Photographer of the Year in Fine Art in 2007/2008, Dou created a project titled Naked Faces, which devotes itself to the relationship between a human's inner world and their behaviour within society.