3BLD Cheat Sheet PDF | PDF | Logic Puzzles - Scribd
This document summarizes the 3BLD letter scheme algorithms and setup moves: 1) It provides the edge and corner algorithms for swapping letters during blindfolded solving. 2) It lists the …
GitHub - fletcher-berry/3bld-scrambler: Scrambler program for …
Scrambler program for Rubik's Cube blindfolded. This program generates custom scrambles for solving the rubik's cube blindfolded. You can generate scrambles based on the number of …
3x3x3 blindfolded solving 3x3 blind | speedcubing.org
3x3 Blindfolded often called 3BLD involves memorising the 3x3 cube and then solving it with a blindfold in the fastest time possible. Unlike sighted events in blindfolded events your …
d1ad74/3BLD-Flips-Twists-Trainer - GitHub
This web app allows you to practice 3x3 blindfolded scrambles with a certain number of edge flips/corner twists that you set! With the "Generate Scrambles" button in the bottom right, you …
3×3×3ルービックキューブ目隠し(3BLD)【リンク集】 - BLDラ …
ルービックキューブ目隠し(BLD)のリンク集をお探しの方へ。 3×3×3目隠しに関するリンク一覧です。 目的の情報を探す際にご活用ください。
GitHub - midnytdj09/3bld-OP-memo
This project it's to solve a personal problem of practice my short memory to speed up my memo time in the 3BLD and MBLD solves. DEMO: https://midnytdj09.github.io/3bld-OP-memo/ You …
Sub-20 3X3 vs Sub-60 3BLD. Which is harder? : r/cubing - Reddit
2022年11月5日 · I have got my ass worked off for like 2 years before I got Sub-20 on 3x3. How long do you think its gonna take to get Sub-60 on 3BLD. I mean, which…
奥之心OM-3复古微单及3款二代镜头 - 什么值得买
2025年2月6日 · OM-3具有最高1/8000秒机械快门与最高1/32000秒电子快门,并且在电子快门下可以实现最高50FPS*的AF/AE追踪、无黑屏高速连拍。 如今很多专业相机都具备了“预拍摄”功 …
3bld. Audio Memo - Speed-Cubing - Art of Memory Forum
2024年1月30日 · I use to solve 3bld with images. I think it is time to try Áudio on Corners. Can someone provide a list off Audio Paris, OR… tell me how to do it. Thanks… … Custódio
3BLD (M2/OP) - sweetduet.info
「ま」行は「な」行とする(例: ミカン → にか)。 濁点と半濁点は清音とする(例: ピエロ → ひえ)。 「や」行や「ら」行、「わ」行、長音、拗音と促音の小さい文字は無視する(例: …