The OMI-2, which acts as a combined optical transceiver and machine interface, converts signals from the optical probe into voltage-free solid state relay (SSR) and driven outputs for transmission to the CNC machine controller. In all applications involving the use of machine tools or CMMs, eye protection is recommended.
电源 OMI-2 可由数控机床的12 Vdc 至30 Vdc标称电源供电。 当OMI-2发射信号时,最大供电电流为100 mA;当OMI-2 接收信号时,该值为40 mA。 此处给出的值基于24 Vdc,且假设所有输出均为开路。 小心:本设备只有在机床接地(接地终端)电源为0 V 的情况下才能达到规格要求。
Renishaw A-5191-0049 OMI-2 Optical Receiver/Interface (8 m …
This is the OMI-2 Optical Receiver/Interface. It comes with an 8 m (26 ft) cable, magnetic label, tool kit and User’s guide. OMI-2 offers increased resistance to light interference and is exclusively compatible with Renishaw optical transmission systems operating in Modulated transmission mode (OMP60, OMP40, OMP400 or OLP40).
Power supply The OMI-2 can draw its supply from the CNC machine’s nominal 12 Vdc to 30 Vdc supply. The maximum supply current is 100 mA when the OMI-2 is transmitting and 40 mA when the OMI-2 is receiving. The values quoted are based on a …
Renishaw A-5191-0050 OMI-2 Optical Receiver/Interface (15 m …
The OMI-2 optical machine interface is designed to reside in the machine’s working envelope. Its purpose is to send and receive probe signals. The OMI-2, like the OMI, has the added benefit of supplying totem pole (transistor) output, thus eliminating the need for a separate MI 12 interface.
OMI-2H - Renishaw
OMI-2H是光学接收器和机床接口的组合装置,可安装在机床的加工区域内。 OMI-2H采用“调制”光学传输操作模式,与同样采用“调制”操作模式的机床测头兼容。 哪种产品适合您的加工车间使 …
View and Download Renishaw OMI-2 installation and user manual online. Optical machine interface. OMI-2 recording equipment pdf manual download.
雷尼绍 OMI-2 无线接收器 Renishaw OMI-2T H-5191-8509
OMI-2/OMI-2COMI-2是一个集成机床接口的光学接收器,可安装在机床的加工区域内。 OMI-2C是机床控制器和雷...
电源 OMI-2T 能够从数控机床的12 Vdc 至30 Vdc标称电源上获得供电。 当OMI-2T 发射信号时,最大峰值输出电流为100 mA。 当OMI-2 接收信号时,平均供电电流为 40 mA。 此处给出的值基于24 Vdc 电源,且假设所有输出均为开路。
OMI-2雷尼绍三座标说明书 - 百度文库
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