Omo remains - Wikipedia
The Omo remains are a collection of hominin [note 1] bones discovered between 1967 and 1974 at the Omo Kibish sites near the Omo River, in Omo National Park in south-western Ethiopia. …
Omo I: world's oldest human fossils turn out to be older than …
2022年1月29日 · Their findings, published in Nature, crowned Omo I the oldest Homo sapiens fossil in eastern Africa and a strong contender for some of the oldest remains of Homo sapiens …
Omo I | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
This skull is one of the oldest known Homo sapiens braincases. It was originally thought to be about 130,000 years old, but the sediments in which it was found were re-dated in 2008 using …
Omo I | fossil hominin | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
Homo sapiens sapiens, in anthropology and paleontology, the subspecies of Homo sapiens that consists of the only living members of genus Homo, modern human beings. Traditionally, this …
The Face of Omo I, the 230,000 Year-Old Skull (Digital ... - YouTube
Omo I is a contender for one of the oldest human fossils ever found in the volcanic ash sediment of Omo Kibish in southwestern Ethiopia. Modern humans are thought to have evolved around …
East Africa's Oldest Modern Human Fossil Is Way Older Than …
2022年1月12日 · Using geochemical clues to match the layer of volcanic ash blanketing the fossil to a specific volcanic eruption, they discovered Omo I is 36,000 years older than previously …
Age of the oldest known Homo sapiens from eastern Africa
2022年1月12日 · Here we report geochemical analyses that link the Kamoya’s Hominid Site (KHS) Tuff9, which conclusively overlies the member of the Omo-Kibish Formation that …
Homens de Kibish – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Foram encontrados um crânio incompleto (sem o rosto) e partes do esqueleto (ossos dos braços, pernas, pés e a pelvis), de um indivíduo denominado Omo I. Também foram achadas as …
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