articles - Why do we say 'in the air', not 'in air'? - English Language ...
The air in in the air is also a more metaphorical usage: air 1.2. the free or unconfined space above the surface of the earth: he celebrated by tossing his hat high in the air [ODO] Thus, to hit something in the air or into the air is to hit it away from the earth.
Air on the side of caution? - WordReference Forums
2011年3月18日 · Mixing up "err on the side of caution" and saying "air on the side of caution" is a mistake I could definitely see happening. But "air on the side of caution" is not an idiomatic phrase in Canadian English, for the record, simply a mishearing of "err". Same with "marry" and "merry".
phrase usage - Do you say "On the air" or "on air"? - English …
2021年10月28日 · Webster's dictionary defines "on the air" as an idiomatic term for broadcasting, and in the same entry notes that 'on air' is a "less common variant". However, this ngram would suggest otherwise, with "live on air" being used far more than "live on the air".
hyphens - Is it "mid-air", "midair" or "mid air" - English Language ...
2019年3月9日 · and none I could find list "mid air". So as a conclusion I would say midair and mid-air are both correct, but mid air is not. edit: moreover definitions given by the Cambridge Dictionary for both midair and mid-air are the same: noun /mɪdˈeər/ a point in the air, not on the ground: She caught the ball in midair. She caught the ball in mid-air.
what do call the steam comes out of your mouth when cold?
2008年9月28日 · Obviously, one does not exhale anything at boiling temperature. Like Nikola, I haven't heard it applied to exhaled breath in cold air. Note, however, that when we exhale so that our breath causes condensation on eyeglasses, for example, we call it "fogging."
Scent Makes a Place | WordReference Forums
2025年1月18日 · If you are a advance translator, how would you translate the title "Scent Makes a Place"? Environment Scent Makes a Place How the desert taught me to smell By Katy Kelleher January 3, 2025
By air vs. By plane vs. Take the flight | WordReference Forums
2021年12月16日 · Person A: How did go to LA this time? Person B: "By air" or "By plane" or "I took the flight". Are they all correct? If so, which is the most common in American English? Thank you!
expressions - Meaning of "The air is thin up here" - English …
2014年4月27日 · Literally, it refers to the fact that the atmosphere is less dense the further you get from sea level (by climbing a mountain, being in a hot-air balloon ...) Figuratively, it may be used as in this example from the internet; 'The Air Is Thin Up Here. This new heightened sense of self is making it hard to breathe.' The 'rarified air' metaphor.
pronunciation - How to distinguish words hare, here, hair, heir, …
heir is pronounced "air" hare and hair are pronounced "hair" (with the same vowel as "air") here rhymes with "ear", but with "h" sound hire rhymes with "fire", but with "h" sound her is pronounced "her" Your dictionary should provide another good way to check the pronunciation.
Is there any difference between "hostess" and "stewardess"?
I presume the link between "hostess" and "stewardess" comes from airlines where the same people are handling both providing services to the passengers and maintaining order in the cabin. This was/is a stereotypically female job. I don't think i've ever heard "air host" or "air steward". –