ONElua (ONELua Team) - GitHub
ONElua - The multiplatform interpreter. All the power of your consoles! Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications. Learn more about blocking …
GitHub - ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita: OneMenu for PSVita is …
OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer. Installing/uninstalling apps/games, …
Releases · ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita - GitHub
OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories, Onemenu comes with a built in file explorer - ONElua/ONEMenu-for-PSVita
OneLua Docs
OneLua doesn't features very advanced functions, and it's not the most efficient or fastest Lua interpreter for the PSP, but even so features a great set of functions, starting with the most …
Space Ball for PSP - GameBrew
2024年10月24日 · Space Ball is a homebrew built with the ONElua interpreter that makes use of the 3D module. It is a remake of the Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf released in 1995 …
Release: ONELua V4 R1 (Lua interpreter for PSP/Vita)
2016年7月9日 · ONELua is a Lua interpreter for the PSP/PS Vita (in PSP mode). It’s a tool that helps you run homebrews written in the Lua interpreted language. Lua games have the …
Vita Homebrew PC Tools (Developments) - GameBrew
2024年7月2日 · ONElua was originally a lua interpreter for the PSP, which is currently being ported to the PS Vita with HENkaku and all the possibilities it offers. With this tool (interpreter), …
[Release] ONElua v3R0 | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game …
2025年1月19日 · With this ONELUAV3R0 (interpreter), you can create your own homebrew and applications, introducing and translating your ideas through the built in ONElua and of course …
VITA / PS TV - ONEMenu for PSVita - PSX-Place
2020年10月5日 · OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories. Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer. Installing/uninstalling …
ONElua VITA - Lua interpreter updated to V2R0 - PSX-Place
2014年11月8日 · ONElua team updated their lua language interpreter for PS Vita/Playstation TV to version 2r0 to the GekiHEN entry. This release adding many new possibilities to developers. …