Technological Crimes Task Force | Oni Wiki | Fandom
The Technological Crimes Task Force (TCTF) was an organisation of the World Coalition Government, acting as its premier law enforcement group.
Oni (video game) - Wikipedia
Oni is a third-person action video game developed by Bungie West, a division of Bungie. It was originally released by Gathering of Developers for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS in 2001; a PlayStation 2 port developed by Rockstar Canada was released the same year.
Technological Crimes Task Force - Rockstar Games Wiki
One of the prominent organizations found in the game Oni, more commonly referred to as the "TCTF". "One of the excuses World Coalition Government used to grab the reigns was the use of biological weapons by a few of the countries involved in border skirmishes at the time.
Konoko - Rockstar Games Wiki | Fandom
Konoko has been raised by the TCTF for as long as she can remember. She knows that she is somehow 'different' from other people, but she is anxious to prove herself to Commander Griffin and the rest of the TCTF." —Rockstar Games: Oni Official Homepage. Konoko's close friend, Shinatama, acts as a mentor during pre-mission training.
Konoko - OniGalore - ONI2.net
Mai Hasegawa, code-named Konoko, is the protagonist controlled by the player in the 2001 third-person action game Oni. She has black hair with purple highlights, and stands about five and a half feet tall. Her age is not given in the game's material. She works as a TCTF agent, a police officer who fights technological crime. She is one of only ...
《奥妮》(ONI)是一款由Bungie Software开发的3D动作冒险游戏,发行公司为G.O.D.,发行日期为2001年1月30日。 游戏主角为Konoko,一名属于反犯罪科技特谴部队(TCTF)的女特工。
Oni (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Enter Konoko, a TCTF agent fresh out of training, who is assigned to infiltrate a Syndicate facility and make contact with a mole inside. Helping her through a communication link are her commander, Griffin, her physician, Kerr, and Mission Control android Shinatama. Obviously, not everything is what it looks like...
Mai Hasegawa | Oni Wiki - Fandom
Mai Hasegawa, codenamed "Konoko", was a Technological Crimes Task Force agent. She has been raised as by the TCTF long as she can remember. She knows that she is different from other people where unlike most characters in the game, Konoko has the Daodan Symbiote inside her, but she is anxious to...
Shinatama - OniGalore - ONI2.net
A robotic assistant specifically designed by the TCTF to interface with Konoko, the pink-haired Shinatama is one of the most tragic characters of Oni. Development. In the early phase of Oni's development, Shinatama might have been intended to be a Ghost in the Shell-esque cyborg with a whole-body transplant:
TCTF - OniGalore - ONI2.net
TCTF. Page; Discussion; English. Read; View source; View history; More. Read; View source; View history; From OniGalore. This page is unfinished. Can you fill in any missing information? If it is not clear which part of the page is unfinished, ask on the talk page. Technology Crimes Task Force. MANUAL ENTRY. TCTF Regional HQ.