Why are there 3 different ways to pronounce "oo"?
The words loose, poodle, food, and most other words with oo have the vowel [u], which is usually spelled u or uh in German. Historically this is a long /o/ sound that was written with "oo", the …
如何掌握「oo」的发音规则? - 知乎
oo 在大多数词里的发音是 /u:/ 或 /ʊ/。 这两种发音的区分,有一些口诀,比如我初中时背过的是「脚站木头好看书」,意思是 foot、stood、wood、good、look、book 这些词里的 oo 读 /ʊ/。 …
pronunciation - When to pronounce long u as "yoo" or "ooo"
Sep 5, 2015 · Whether u says /oo/ or /yoo/ is determined by whether or not the preceeding consonant is voiced (vibrates the voice box) or unvoiced. Some guidelines for when ‘u’ says …
如何看待北京航空航天大学的OO(面向对象)课程? - 知乎
oo作业的繁琐程度超乎想象。 以相较于其他单元来说难度不值一提的第一单元表达式的后两次作业来说,每一次提交作业的代码量大约在400-800行。 自然,同一单元的几次作业之间是迭代关 …
oo-ee change for plurals - English Language & Usage Stack …
I have ascertained from my research that whenever an oo word changes its plural form to ee, that word traces to West Germanic. The counterexamples come from different languages. …
Is there a good rule of thumb for plurals of words ending in "o"?
Apr 29, 2011 · With bases ending in o, where o does not follow a consonant symbol (i.e. where it is preceded by a vowel or is part of the composite vowel symbol oo), the plural takes ·s: …
Why is "door" pronounced with an "o" sound and not a "u"?
All of the old words spelled with "oo" originally were pronounced with a long [o:] sound, but were raised to [u:] during the Great Vowel Shift. This answer doesn't address the central issue of …
Why does the ending -ough have six pronunciations?
Jun 29, 2011 · ough = /uː/ "oo" sound: through < OE þurh; slough (n) (some varieties) According to the OED, the vowel sound used for ough in through is the result of re-stressing a vowel that …
What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
Aug 23, 2014 · @WS2 In speech, very nearly always. In writing, much less so. I think what may be going on is that one just assumes that “June 1” is pronounced “June First”, or “4 July” as …
为什么在很多公文中一定要用「〇」而不是「零」? - 知乎
长串的数字,并且不写十百千万的,比如年份和编号用〇。其它情况都用零。 二〇二二年,第二〇二二号文件,参会人员二千零二十二人,拨款二百零二万元。