A Guide to Posterior Fetal Presentation - Spinning Babies
The OP position (occiput posterior fetal position) is when the back of the baby’s head is against the mother’s back. Here are drawings of an anterior and posterior presentation.
Functions for decoding audio data - Opus
The number of samples read per channel on success, or a negative value on failure. The channel count can be retrieved on success by calling op_head(_of,*_li). The number of samples returned may be 0 if the buffer was too small to store even a single sample for all channels, or if end-of-file was reached. The list of possible failure codes follows.
opusfile: Opening and Closing
2013年4月30日 · You can query a partially open stream for the few pieces of basic information returned by op_serialno(), op_channel_count(), op_head(), and op_tags() (but only for the first link). You may also determine if it is seekable via a call to op_seekable() .
Maternal positioning to correct occipito-posterior fetal position in ...
2014年2月24日 · The occipito-posterior (OP) fetal head position during the first stage of labour occurs in 10-34% of cephalic presentations. Most will spontaneous rotate in anterior position before delivery, but 5-8% of all births will persist in OP position for the third stage of labour.
Sonographic evaluation of the fetal head position and attitude …
In this expert review we summarize the indications, technique, and clinical role of intrapartum sonographic evaluation of fetal head position and attitude. Among cephalic presenting fetuses, the fetal position refers to the spatial relationship between the fetal occiput and the maternal pelvis.
外企的 operation 部门是做什么的? - 知乎
本人在某国际共同基金巨头F公司的Ops实习几个月,作的是Fund Trader,其实说成是Fund Processor 更合适,日常的工作就是就是用F公司自己的交易系统作基金的Buy、Sell、Switch …
Opus Ogg详解 - yangLieee
2023年12月2日 · op_head() / op_tags() op_head函数可用于获取channels、samplerate等参数. op_tags函数可获得用户自定义参数,例如:标题、歌手、编码方式标准等等,其中tags->user_comments[i]可获取用户自定义的信息. op_pcm_total() / op_pcm_tell() / op_pcm_seek() op_pcm_total 可以返回该opus文件转换成pcm ...
[Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of occiput …
Persistant occiput posterior (OP) positions are the commonest malpresentations of the fetal head during labor and their diagnosis remains challenging. They are associated to prolonged second stage of labor, prolonged expulsive efforts, labor augmentation, cesarean sections and instrumental deliverie …
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