2012年8月21日 · SWG focuses on standards for security services on dedicated storage systems. IEEE 1394, NAS and iSCSI. Storage includes HDD, SSD, Removable Drive, Storage Server. What is an eDrive? How is it different from SEDs? Why should the ecosystem care? • Question?
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Security for NVMe
2015年8月11日 · Opal compliance and assurance are high priority OEM/customer requests. The Opal family serves straightforward use cases while scaling for enhanced configurability. Aligning on Opal across NVMe use cases, form factors, etc. enables a single configurable, scalable solution to address the widest variety of use cases in a common way.
2015年8月5日 · Optional (O): When a feature is Optional, the feature MAY be implemented. If implemented, a Compliance test SHALL validate that the feature is operational. Excluded (X): When a feature is Excluded, the feature SHALL NOT be implemented. A Compliance test SHALL validate that the feature is not operational.
Storage Workgroup specifications provide a comprehensive architecture for putting Storage Devices under policy control as determined by the trusted platform host, the capabilities of the Storage Device to conform to the policies of the trusted platform, and the lifecycle state of the Storage Device as a Trusted Peripheral.
For TCG-Opal drives, which password is used to derive KEK?
2020年8月26日 · SEDs use a user password (PIN) to generate KEK by a KDF algorithm. The KEK is then used to encrypt the MEK (where MEK is internally generated in the drive). But TCG-Opal drives have 9 locking-ranges and each of these ranges uses its own MEK (say MEK1 - …
TCG-OPAL:加强SSD安全性,满足数据安全需求|SSSTC建兴储存 …
TCG Opal(Trusted Computing Group-Opal Storage Specification)已成为固态硬盘(SSD)保护敏感资讯的坚固解决方案。 本文将探讨TCG-OPAL在各个行业中的重要性以及其不断增加采用的原因。
2019年5月30日 · The TOE comprises the Seagate Secure® TCG Opal and Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Drives provided by Seagate Technology, LLC. The Security Target contains the following additional sections:
问 NIST SP800 800-108 KDF模式比较 - 腾讯云
2016年2月21日 · 根据nist to 800-108的要求,可以从prf构建kdf的模式有三种:计数器模式、反馈模式和双流水线迭代模式。假设使用相同的prf和输入分布,这三种不同的模式会对产生的kdf的安全强度产生任何影响吗?
2021年9月5日 · KDF全称(Key derivation function) 密钥导出函数。 密码学中,密钥导出函数是指使用伪随机函数从主密钥master_key中导出一个或多个密钥key。 KDF可用于将密钥扩展到更长的密钥或获得所需格式的密钥。 密钥 加密 哈希函数是用于密钥推导的伪随机函数的流行示例。 实现 key stretching [1] 的方法,具体就是从一个 master key,password 或者 passphrase 派生出一个或者多个密钥,派生的过程,使用PRF(Pseudo Random Function 伪随机函数)可以是某 …
如何存储密码 (KDF) - 老鱼的博客
除了 PBKDF2,openbsd 开发了另外一种常用的 KDF 算法,名为 bcrypt. 它基于 blowfish 的特点,通过增加每次迭代的计算开销,达到提升破解难度的目标。 最近几年比特币挖矿的发展,让大家看到专有硬件、GPU 在对付大规模哈希时的威力。
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