Intel Open VKL
Intel® Open Volume Kernel Library (Intel® Open VKL) is a collection of high performance volume computation kernels. With Open VKL, you can improve your volume rendering application using a wide variety of volumetric data structures, as well as performance-optimized traversal and sampling algorithms.
Examples - Open VKL
Open VKL ships with two example applications. vklExamples[CPU,GPU] is an interactive application which allows you to experiment with supported volume types and algorithms. vklTutorial[CPU,GPU] is a small and instructive program showing how to use the Open VKL API.
Publications - Open VKL
Intel® Open Image Denoise Intel® OSPRay Intel® OSPRay Studio GitHub Download Publications related to Open VKL . Path Tracing RBF Particle Volumes. Aaron Knoll, Gregory P. Johnson and Johannes Meng In Ray Tracing Gems II (pp. 713-723), Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2021. ...