OpenECU | Embedded Control by Dana
OpenECU products enable reliable, efficient and fast embedded controls development and is a cost-effective solution for low to medium volume production applications. Dana offers OpenECU products as off-the-shelf solutions and can also deliver optimized solutions based on the underlying technology.
Product - OpenECU
OpenECU is a development platform allowing customers to develop control applications with production level Electronic Control Unit (ECU) targets using developer interfaces of Simulink or C-API. OpenECU supports third-party developer tools. These include calibration tools, Model Based Development (Simulink) and supported compilers.
近日,发展迅速的中国汽车电子解决方案提供商 - 英恒科技控股有限公司(「英恒科技」 或 「集团」;股票代号:1760.HK)及其全资子公司金脉电子,荣... 2022年6月29日,香港讯)– 英恒 …
Embedded Control by Dana - OpenECU
OpenECU allows customers to develop control applications with production level Electronic Control Unit (ECU) targets using either Simulink® or C. For higher-volume production, our off-the-shelf ECU’s may be cost-optimized, or we can develop custom controllers leveraging the OpenECU software platform.
OpenECU - Field-ready electronic control units (ECUs) with truly open …
The OpenECU™ family of field-ready electronic control units (ECUs) from Dana offers an open platform to rapidly develop robust control system solutions for engine, powertrain, chassis, and other applications.
快速控制原型OpenECU - 北汇信息:汽车电子、新能源测试,信息 …
OpenECU M560设计用于VCU (整车控制器)和VCCU(车辆充电控制单元)的功能安全过程,以支持要求最苛刻的电动汽车(EV)/混合电动汽车(HEV)监控应用。 集成的充电电路消除了对单独的充电器接口模块的需求。 由于具有大量可定制的I/O,先进的微处理器,面向安全的体系架构和用户友好的OpenECU Simulink应用程序界面,M560是适用于广泛应用的出色快速控制原型平台。 Pi Innovo还提供组合充电系统(CCS)的控制算法,适用于支持大多数EV/HEV/NEV架构 …
GDCU35A 自动驾驶域控制器_OPEN-ECU官网
GDCU35A搭载ASIL D多核安全MCU和1颗高性能大算力ASIL B安全等级的SoC,总AI算力可达128TOPS。 支持接入多种传感器类型,包括毫米波雷达、超声波雷达、摄像头和MIC,提供丰富的通信接口,内置U-blox F9K多波段高精度惯性导航模块和IMU模块,可支持行车域、泊车域以及智能座舱域的应用开发,缩短产品上市周期,是开发、评估和概念验证演示的理想选择。
Software and Controls - DANA
Dana’s OpenECU TM platform is ideal for research and prototyping all aspects of vehicle control, and then re-using the same proven hardware for low to intermediate volume production.
OpenECU - Kvaser
OpenECU allows customers to develop control applications with production level Electronic Control Unit (ECU) targets using either Simulink® or C. For higher-volume production, our off-the-shelf ECU’s may be cost-optimized, or we can develop custom controllers leveraging the OpenECU software platform.
OpenECU-FS Platform Software - OpenECU | Embedded Control by Dana
OpenECU-FS is a development platform allowing customers to develop control applications with production level Electronic Control Unit (ECU) targets using developer interfaces of Simulink® or C. OpenECU-FS platform software provides Basic Software modules (BSW) for automotive ECU software development using Model Based Development or C Programming.