Homepage - OpenHIE
We are a community of people building an open framework to support nations as they develop health information exchanges (HIEs) to improve patient care, public health, and the management of health resources.
OpenHIE Architecture Specification
This specification documents the OpenHIE Architecture components and the requirements for each OpenHIE component. In addition, the specification documents the OpenHIE workflows (data exchanges) and the underlying standards that support the workflows.
OpenHIE Academy
Welcome to the OpenHIE Academy! The Academy is a community-supported initiative to build capacity for better health information exchange architecture processes. On this website you will find the FREE virtual self-paced courses. Click on a …
Framework - OpenHIE
OpenHIE's framework forms a foundation for health information exchange systems through the sharing of best practices and recommendations.
Instant OpenHIE | Instant OpenHIE - GitHub Pages
Instant OpenHIE provides an easy way to setup, explore and develop with the OpenHIE Architecture. It allows packages to be added that support multiple different use cases and workflows specified by OpenHIE. Each package contains scripts to stand up and configure applications that support these various workflows. View the Concepts section to ...
OpenHIE - GitHub
We generally do not release software as a community product. This is a work area. See: https://wiki.ohie.org/display/documents/OpenHIE+Contribution+Policy - OpenHIE
Getting started | Instant OpenHIE - GitHub Pages
Instant OpenHIE is, by design, easily downloaded and run by anyone on any platform. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows. To get started, install Docker, Docker Compose and Kubectl for Kubernetes support.
Home - Home - OpenHIE Wiki
2024年9月20日 · Welcome to the OpenHIE Wiki! The wiki is the community space for our resources and documentation. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to jump in and get engaged with OpenHIE activities so we encourage you to create an OpenHIE wiki user account. How to get started.
OpenHIE - Regenstrief Institute
Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE) is a global community working to help resource-constrained environments better leverage their healthcare data. We work to improve the health of the underserved through open, collaborative development and support of country driven, large scale health information sharing architectures.
OpenHIE Discourse - Together, we build where it is needed most.
OpenHIE is a global community of practice dedicated to improving the health of the under-resourced through open and collaborative, development and support of country driven, large scale health information sharing architectures.