Optile - Wikipedia
Optile (Organisation Professionnelle des Transports d'Île-de-France, or Professional Transport Organisation of Île-de-France) is a public transport organisation, created in October 2000 from a merger between several private bus companies serving suburban Paris.
Payoneer收购支付技术公司Optile, 创建“关联伙伴”生态系统,整 …
2019年12月12日 · Optile成立于2010年,是德国慕尼黑一家支付技术企业,主要为全球卖家简化支付流程,并且,其开放的支付平台能够帮助卖家掌控业务,根据需要灵活添加支付方式和合作伙伴,提高转化率,提升消费者体验。
Organisation Professionnelle des Transports d’Ile-de-France, OPTILE est une association régie par la loi 1901. OPTILE est mandatée par ses membres pour suivre l’ensemble des questions collectives et communautaires avec l’ensemble des acteurs du transport public.
Organisation professionnelle des transports d'Île-de-France
L'Organisation professionnelle des transports d’Île-de-France (Optile) est une association française regroupant l’ensemble des entreprises privées exploitant des lignes d'autobus régulières inscrites au plan de transport de la région d’Île-de-France et qui composent le réseau de bus organisé par Île-de-France Mobilités, en ...
Payoneer收购Optile支付平台-雨果网 - 雨果跨境
2019年12月12日 · Optile成立于2010年,其开放式支付平台使商家可以控制自己的业务
Payoneer收购Optile支付平台-移动支付网 - mpaypass.com.cn
2019年12月19日 · Optile的支付平台(POP)旨在使企业更快地扩展到新市场,将全球支付市场的所有参与者整合到一个统一的层面中,从而确保透明性,灵活性,冗余性和独立性。
optile - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
optile is designed for international enterprises to scale faster to new markets, unify all payment-related processes, and provide intelligent optimization tools to boost conversion and improve customer experience. optile aims at revolutionizing online payment experience for both businesses and end customers. By bringing all the players of the
Payoneer to acquire open payment orchestration platform optile
2019年12月10日 · By implementing optile’s cloud-based payment orchestration platform, merchants gain full control, freedom and flexibility to design and optimize their payment experience, improving payment ...
2019年12月11日 · 以色列在线支付公司Payoneer Inc.本周二宣布,已收购德国慕尼黑支付公司Optile GmbH。本次收购交易的金额并未透露。
Optile Solutions (OS) – Decentralizing the Future of Technology
As a partner of leading companies in the technology industry, Optile Solutions (OS) has consistently provided successful solutions for various projects, including those focused-on Software Programing, Data Storage, System Security, Networking Partnerships and Certifications.
Optile 2025 Company Profile: Valuation, Investors, Acquisition
Optile was founded in 2010. Where is Optile headquartered? Optile is headquartered in Munich, Germany. What is the size of Optile? Optile has 109 total employees. What industry is Optile in? Optile’s primary industry is Financial Software. Is Optile a private or public company? Optile is a Private company. What is the current valuation of Optile?
Payoneer acquires optile - Fast Deposits - eDataPay
2025年2月18日 · Payoneer, a global leader in cross-border payment solutions servicing millions of businesses across 200 markets and valued at over $1 billion, has just announced the acquisition of optile, a German startup known for its payment integration platform.
Payoneer to acquire e-commerce payment firm optile
2019年12月11日 · US-based financial services firm Payoneer has agreed to acquire optile, a Germany-based provider of open payment orchestration platform that facilitates online payment for global commerce, for an undisclosed amount.
optile (Payoneer Germany GmbH)
Official Website: optile.net; On Social Media: Legal Entity: Payoneer Germany GmbH Location: Bayern
homerograco/documentation: Documentation for optile.io - GitHub
Here we guide you through optile's Open Payment Gateway (OPG) features for frontend checkout and backend use cases.
Optile | Company Database | ThePaypers
Founded in 2010, optile is a next-generation online payment platform that serves as a cloud infrastructure for all payment methods, providers, processes, and data structures worldwide. optile helps international enterprises to scale faster to new markets, unify all payment-related processes, and provide intelligent optimization tools to boost ...
Optile - 企查查
Optile: The next-generation independent payment platform to …
optile offers global online enterprises a provider-independent payment platform to create a seamless e-payment journey for their clients in any part of the world. optile's unique software brings merchants to the whole new level of payment and creates a one-click checkout experience.
OpTile | Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on …
2017年10月19日 · In this paper, we propose a scheme called OpTile. This scheme tiles a projected 360-degree segment by first estimating per-tile storage costs, then solving an integer linear program (ILP) to obtain an optimal, potentially non-uniform tiling.
optile GmbH - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
optile GmbH offers online enterprise businesses an open and provider-independent payment platform that simplifies and accelerates the integration of payment gateways, payment service providers and payment methods worldwide.