第14钢琴奏鸣曲 (贝多芬) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《C♯小調第14號鋼琴奏鳴曲》, 作品 27之2,是 路德維希·范·貝多芬 於1801年在 匈牙利 創作的 獨奏 鋼琴 作品,并于1802年題獻給貝多芬的學生 朱列塔·圭恰迪 (英语:Julie Guicciardi) (Giulietta Guicciardi)伯爵夫人 [1][2]。 流行的別稱《月光 奏鳴曲》(英語: Moonlight Sonata,德語: Mondscheinsonate)来自贝多芬去世后评论家的评论。 該作品是貝多芬最受歡迎的鋼琴作品之一。 贝多芬將“月光奏鳴曲”于1802年題獻給貝多芬的學生 朱列塔·圭恰迪 (英 …
OPUS 27 - Narodowe Centrum Nauki
2024年3月15日 · Narodowe Centrum Nauki ogłasza konkurs OPUS 27 na projekty badawcze, przeznaczony dla naukowców na wszystkich etapach kariery naukowej. Czas trwania projektu może wynosić 12, 24, 36 lub 48 miesięcy. W konkursie OPUS 27 istnieje możliwość ubiegania się o finansowanie projektów badawczych:
Piano Sonata No.14, Op.27 No.2 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
Scanned at 1200dpi, cleaned with 4-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning, downsizing to 600dpi (I uploaded the 1200dpi version as well), original page and bordersize (title pages can be found in Piano Sonata No.1, Op.2/1) Purchase
Piano Sonata No. 27 (Beethoven) - Wikipedia
Ludwig van Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 27 in E minor, Op. 90 was written in the summer of 1814—Beethoven's late Middle period—and dedicated to Prince Moritz von Lichnowsky, a friend and benefactor who was also the dedicatee of the Eroica Variations.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 13 and 14 (Beethoven) - Wikipedia
Ludwig van Beethoven's opus number 27 is a set of two piano sonatas. They were published separately [1] in March 1802. [2] Both sonatas are entitled Sonata quasi una Fantasia, which roughly translated as sonatas in the style of a fantasia.
Variations for piano (Webern) - Wikipedia
Variations for piano, Op. 27, is a twelve-tone piece for piano composed by Anton Webern in 1936. It consists of three movements : Sehr mäßig (Very moderate)
贝多芬《月光》奏鸣曲和它背后的情史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年6月12日 · 在贝多芬的32首钢琴奏鸣曲中,如果只选一首知名度最高的作为代表,应该非第十四号钢琴奏鸣曲 “月光”(The Piano Sonata No. 14 'Moonlight', Op. 27, No. 2)莫属。但你知道吗?贝多芬当年写这首作品时…
Piano Sonata No.13, Op.27 No.1 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
Quasi una fantasia; Piano Sonata No. 13 in E-flat Major, Op. 27, No. 1, "Quasi una fantasia"; Pianosonate nr. 13 (Beethoven); Sonata para piano n.º 13 en mi bemol mayor Op. 27 n.º 1 Authorities Wikipedia ; GND : 300016662 ; BNF : 139081877
sonata opus 27 no 2 - 弹琴吧
sonata opus 27 no 2. 作曲者: Beethoven. 表演者: Beethoven. 改编/制谱: 未知. 调 号: E调. 风 格: 古典. 难 度: 初学. 类 型: 原版曲谱. 收藏量: 21. 热度: 曲谱简介: Frédéric Chopin wrote a number of preludes for piano solo. His cycle …
Sonata No. 27, 1st Movement - Musescore.com
2012年6月23日 · This is the first Movement of the Sonata No. 27, written by Ludwig van Beethoven. The first movement is written in a 3/4 tempo, sounding mysteriously agitated and restless, described by Beethoven as "a contest between the head and heart", based on the situation of the Count deciding whether he should marry a young Viennese dancer.