Oradist – Oradist intégrateur des technologies oracle
Founded in 1998, ORADIST guides its customers in their choices and helps them to modernize and transform their operational and technological activities in the Oracle environment.
Training – Oradist
For more than 25 years, ORADIST has positioned itself on the local and regional market as a leader in Oracle technology training by offering courses with high added value and consistent in content, duration and approach with Oracle University.
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ORADIST, Tunis, Tunisia. 2,591 likes · 19 talking about this · 59 were here. Oradist: Intégrateur de solutions technologiques et applicatives Oracle.
PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user - Oracle Forums
2014年9月1日 · Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "oradest" ERROR: User equivalence unavailable on all the specified nodes. Verification cannot proceed. Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
Oracle 11G OGG安装配置全解 - LinuxMySQL
GoldenGate现在是业内成熟的数据容灾与复制产品;GoldenGate是一种基于日志的结构化数据复制方式,它通过解析源数据库在线日志或归档日志获得数据的增删改变化(数据量只有日志的四分之一左右),再将这些变化应用到目标数据库,实现源数据库与目标数据库同步、双活。 二. GoldenGate 搭建. 两台服务器都需要创建 ogg 操作系统用户 (此步骤非必须,也可以使用ORACLE用户安装)。 两台服务器都需要做同样的操作。 两台服务器都需要操作。 在目标端 …
Stuck at this Part: 3.6 "Duplicate from the primary backup"...
2014年8月25日 · Here is all the information regarding the Primary Database. ID: oradest. echo $ORACLE_HOME. /u03/app/oradest/product/11.2.0/db_dest. echo $ORACLE_SID. destiny. #########################################################################################
oracle 数据库高可用之OGG的基础配置 - CSDN博客
在Oracle收购Golden Gate以后,与Oracle原有的 Data Guard互为补充,共同为企业提供跨平台实时数据同步的解决方案。 (1)Golden Gate:包括GoldenGate Capture, Deliver 和Active Data Guard, XStream on Oracle DB,并支持各种开放数据系统,是我们通常讲的OGG的概念。 (2)Golden Gate Director:实际上,在下载的时候,可以发现没有Director的类目了,替换的是一个Golden Gate Management Pack的包,其实这个就是之前的OGG Director。
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Torsten Domula | Todo-presketch-canvas (progress in ... - Instagram
44 likes, 3 comments - torstendomula on May 29, 2017: "Todo-presketch-canvas (progress in coloring = colored sequel follows!) "AUROSIA at Balcony in Oradest, full version in B&W" (ToDo 2011)...".
Roadest на asx шильдики и задний бампер (Часть 1)
2021年4月26日 · Опыт эксплуатации Mitsubishi ASX: Долго думал ставить оригинальный обвес или нет, у меня дорест и у него самые практичные на мой взгляд бампера. Так как они окрашены только на половину сверху, а нижняя просто пластик и это ...