YMLT Launceston Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Orbx
Nestled between the Great Western Tiers and one of Tasmania's highest mountains, Ben Lomond, YMLT appears in the top 15 busiest airports in Australia with direct flights to Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and recently Perth with seasonal flights operated by Virgin Australia.
YMLT Launceston Airport - Orbx
This is a busy regional Tasmanian airport in a beautiful pasture setting and the gateway to the central alps. This is a favourite airport for many Orbx customers!
Coming Soon - YMLT Launceston for Microsoft Flight Simulator! - Orbx …
2023年1月13日 · Veteran Orbx Indie, Ken Hall, has done it again with YMLT Launceston Airport! Launceston Airport started out as the Western Junction Aerodrome in 1931 and is conveniently located in one of Tasmania's most scenic locations surrounded by …
YMLT Launceston Airport Released for Microsoft Flight Simulator! - Orbx …
2023年1月19日 · Nestled between the Great Western Tiers and Tasmania's highest mountain, Ben Lomond, YMLT appears in the top 15 busiest airports in Australia with direct flights to Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, and recently Perth with seasonal flights operated by …
Orbx 为 MSFS 发布朗塞斯顿机场 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年1月22日 · 朗塞斯顿机场 (YMLT/LST) 是位于朗塞斯顿市外的支线机场,是塔斯马尼亚第二繁忙的机场。 第二次世界大战期间,该机场由澳大利亚皇家空军运营,并于 1962 年进行了重大重建,以容纳当时更大的新型客机。
GSX Profile - YMLT Launceston (ORBX) - Flightsim.to
2023年12月11日 · GSX Profile - YMLT Launceston (ORBX) is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by tcastest. Enhance your ground handling experience at Launceston Airport with this GSX Profile for the ORBX YMLT scenery in Microsoft Flight Simulator. This add-on offers accurate ground handling per gate, customized...
Orbx releases Launceston Airport for MSFS
2023年1月20日 · Orbx has just released a new Australian airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator. YMLT Launceston Airport, located in the island state of Tasmania, has been developed for MSFS by Ken Hall, a local developer who had exclusive access to the airport and its surroundings to gather the necessary data for a high-quality rendition.
YMLT Launceston Airport · Unofficial MSFS Marketplace Browser
2023年5月23日 · Nestled between the Great Western Tiers and one of Tasmania's highest mountains, Ben Lomond, YMLT appears in the top 15 busiest airports in Australia with direct …
- 评论数: 10
[MSFS] ORBX - YMLT Launceston 澳大利亚朗赛斯顿机场 V1.1.0
2023年4月9日 · YMLT坐落在大西岭和塔斯马尼亚州最高的山峰之一本罗蒙之间,是澳大利亚最繁忙的15个机场之一,有直飞墨尔本、布里斯班、悉尼、阿德莱德的航班,最近还开通了由澳大利亚维珍航空公司运营的季节性航班。 夏普航空公司每天从朗赛斯顿飞往巴斯海峡的弗林德斯岛和国王岛。 c* ~: X, X* Q# q. U5 z. / R! Q' R+ o7 `+ V I. 居住在苹果岛(又名塔斯马尼亚岛)的Ken,在机场内和周围有独家权限,拍摄了数百张照片,用于创建逼真的纹理,都是用PBR。 再加上他 …
Orbx Releases Launceston Airport for MSFS - Threshold
2023年1月19日 · Orbx has recently released their rendition of Launceston Airport (YMLT) for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the second-busiest airport in Tasmania after Hobart, with a yearly average of 1,500,000 passengers (pre-pandemic).