Mork & Mindy - Wikipedia
Mork & Mindy is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from September 14, 1978, to May 27, 1982.
Ork | Mork and Mindy Wiki | Fandom
Ork is what would be described, from an Earth perspective (or a Star Trek one), as an 'M' class planet, in that it can sustain fully human life as evinced by Mindy McConnell's visits and stay there. It's upper atmosphere is a mass of unnamed swirling yellow and brown gases, which would explain the relatively diffused golden light on the planet ...
Ork Domains - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
2024年7月22日 · Ork Worlds are any planet where Orks are the dominant species. These can be worlds that have been occupied by Orks for generations, or more recently conquered planets where Orks have exterminated or enslaved the original populace.
Orks - Warhammer 40k Wiki | Fandom
The Orks, also called Greenskins, are a savage, warlike, green-skinned species of bestial, asexual humanoids who are spread all across the galaxy. They are unique among the intelligent xenos species known to Mankind in that they possess the …
Orkans | Mork and Mindy Wiki | Fandom
Orkans are a race of peaceful, crafty, intelligent and usually emotionless aliens from the planet Ork. The most notable members of this race are Mork, Orson, Xerko and The Elder.
Ork Empire - Warhammer 40k Wiki
An Ork Empire, also called an Ork Domain, is a region of the Milky Way Galaxy that is controlled by the xenos menace known as the Orks.
Octarius War - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
2025年2月24日 · On the planet's surface the Tyranids were vastly outnumbered by Orks, for the first time since entering the Octarius Sector. Sensing that a war of attrition would end in their deaths, the Tyranid swarm adopted a tactic of stalking and attacking only isolated Ork patrols.
Mork and Mindy Wiki
Mork is a member of a race of humanoid life-forms, known as Orkans, from the planet Ork, sent to Earth to observe and report back on human behavior who is befriend by Mindy McConnell, an Earth Girl who helps shelter, guide and teach him about …
mork and mindy - What galaxy or universe is the planet Ork in ...
2018年11月9日 · In the 1978 science fiction television comedy Mork and Mindy, where is Mork's home planet Ork? Given that Mork and Orson have realtime conversations, and Mork took Mindy to Ork, the distance can't be too terribly far. The lag is shown to be about 0.5-1 second, based upon the comedic beat timing of Williams and Winters.
Do we know how many Worlds are Ork Controlled? : r/40kLore - Reddit
2023年5月7日 · Orks are the most numerous species in the galaxy and they can live in all sorts of environs that would be terminal to less hardy races like humans. They certainly have more worlds than humanity under their complete control.