M-87 Orkan - Wikipedia
The M-87 Orkan (from Serbian: оркан, lit. 'hurricane') is a Yugoslav fully automated self-propelled multiple rocket launcher. The generic M-87 project was configured with 12 launch tubes mounted on a FAP 2832 truck. It has a range of about 50 to 120 km, with the ability to deliver warheads, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
M87 Orkan (1987) - truck-encyclopedia.com
The M-87 Orkan (Serbian: 'hurricane') is a Yugoslavian fully automated self-propelled multiple rocket launcher. The M-87 was a complete weapon system comprising a 12 launch tubes mount on a FAP 2832 truck chasss, with has a range of 50-120 km, and capability to deliver various warheads for a lot of uses on the battlefield.
M-87 Orkan – Wikipedija
M-87 Orkan je samohodni višecijevni lanser raketa čiji je razvoj započeo 1980. godine kao zajednički projekt Jugoslavije i Iraka. Ispitivanja prototipova završena su do 1985. godine, a dvije godine kasnije prvi lanseri su isporučeni JNA. Sustav je namijenjen za vatrenu podršku jedinica ranga korpusa i armije.
The M-87 Orkan self-propelled multiple rocket launcher 262 …
2016年5月23日 · The M-87 Orkan is a Yugoslavian self-propelled multiple rocket launcher. The generic M-87 project was configured with 12 launch tubes mounted on an FAP 2832 truck. It has a range of about 50 km, able to deliver warheads, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
LRSV M-87 Orkan - Army Guide
The 262 mm unguided rocket, known as the M-87, is 4.656 m long and uses a two-stage solid-propellant rocket motor. The booster stage contains 10 kg of fuel and burns for 200 ms to generate 8,000 kg of thrust to lift the rocket clear of the launcher tube.
Yugoslavian M-87 Orkan - YouTube
2013年6月2日 · The M-87 Orkan is an Yugoslavian self-propelled multiple rocket launcher. The generic M-87 project was configured with 12 launch tubes mounted on FAP 2832 tr...
M-87 Orkan — Википедија
M-87 Orkan je samohodni višecevni lanser raketa 262 mm (SVLR M87) u borbenom sastavu Vojske Srbije. [1] Razvoj potpuno automatizovanog višecevnog samohodnog raketnog sistema kalibra 262 mm, velikog dometa, započeo je 1980. godine.
M-87 Orkan - NamuWiki
2024年12月5日 · Yugoslavia 's multiple rocket launcher . 'Orkan' means ' hurricane ' in Serbian . Obrad Bukurovic, a Serbian soldier-turned-engineer, began research by seeking advice from the Iraqi military . A 50km class 12-length type and a 120km class 4-length type were selected as final candidates, and both Yugoslavia and Iraq chose the former.
M-87 Orkan | Military Wiki | Fandom
The M-87 Orkan is an Yugoslavian self-propelled multiple rocket launcher. The generic M-87 project was configured with 12 launch tubes mounted on a FAP 2832 truck. It has a range of about 50 km, able to deliver warheads, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
M-87 "ORKAN" LRSV / Ababil-50 - GlobalSecurity.org
2013年9月22日 · The M-87 Orkan is a Yugoslav 12 tube 262 mm MRL that was jointly developed with Iraq. This Yugoslavian multiple rocket launcher is also used by Iraq (where it is known as the Ababeel), Bosnia,...