Ortofon 2m Blue MM review - What Hi-Fi?
2017年4月20日 · Ortofon 2m Blue MM (Blue) at Amazon for $189 The tip is of the nude elliptical type, which means that it’s a whole diamond bonded to the end of the cantilever rather than a diamond tip on a metal mounting, as is usually the case with budget needles.
Ortofon 2M Red vs 2M Blue, my thoughts - Vinyl Engine
2011年2月20日 · I upgraded my cartridge on my Pro-Ject RPM 1.3 Genie from an Ortofon 2M Red (approx 1 month old) to an Ortofon 2M Blue. Here are the specs of both cartridges. Technical data: 2M Red features a tipped elliptical diamond. Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 5,5 mV Channel balance at 1 kHz 1,5 dB Channel separation at 1 kHz 22 dB
Ortofon 2M Blue Reviews - Vinyl Engine
I find the Ortofon 2M Blue to be a very natural and clean sounding Cart.It is true to the original recording and with a open and warm sound that is very likable.It dose most things well and never is it overbearing or in your face as stated else where.It sound like a woman's voice when a woman sings that can be said about mans voice also.I ...
Ortofon OM 20 vs 2M Blue - Vinyl Engine
2016年2月1日 · The 2m's are very good carts, but some Ortofon styli are a bit 'thin' sounding. Try and pick up a red/blue cartridge s/h with a bent stylus and fit your Om20 and you'll have almost the same sound - providing you're careful setting the arm height (VTA) as …
Ortofon Blue (or Red) vs. OM 10, 20, 30, 40, etc... - Vinyl Engine
2019年3月19日 · In short one could say: 2M Red - OM10, 2M Blue - OM20, 2M Bronze - OM30, 2M Black - OM40. 2. It's easier to swap stylus than to install a new cartridge, but a new cartridge can of course be installed. 3. The 2M serie that comes with a built-in headshell, they are for S-shaped or curved tonearms.
AT VM95SH vs Ortofon 2m Blue - Vinyl Engine
2021年7月1日 · Some newcomers buy turntables with the 2m Red and like the way it sounds, so for them it makes sense to update the stylus to a Blue. Other than that (and the fact that I think the Blue looks pretty cool) I see no reason why you would buy the Blue. It's particularly bad with groove noise and distortion and only so-so in terms of tracking.
Ortofon 2m blue vs bronze? - Vinyl Engine
2009年4月23日 · The ortofon 2Ms and Denon Dl110/60 will all work fine and there is enough gain for the DL160, no sweat. I prefer the Ortofon 2M over the DL-110/160, however. I have had the Red and Black. I upgraded to the Black, sold the Blue, then traded the Black for a Denon Dl103 in an Uwe wood body retipped by soundsmith.
Ortofon 2M Blue vs Bronze....decision time - Vinyl Engine
2023年8月23日 · That is the case with the 2M Blue and very likely with the 2M Bronze since the consensus on the Bronze is that it does everything the Blue does but does it all better. The tougher decision is whether or not to sell my TD-145 and get his TD-147, which some people have described the TD-147 as "the poor man's LP12".
Should I upgrade from an Ortofon 2M Blue to a 2M Bronze?
2024年4月8日 · The 2m has a Shibata stylus , so you are moving into the more advanced stylus and will retrieve more detail. It will retain the Ortofon 2M family sound if you are happy with that Some thoughts , the Blue and the Bronze have the same body , so you should really only pay for the stylus, they are £235 in the UK brand new .
Ortofon 2M Blue vs. Rega Elys 2 - Vinyl Engine
2017年5月22日 · I want to replace the Stanton cartridge with either an Ortofon 2M Blue or a Rega Elys 2. Needle Doctor sells the Ortofon 2M Blue for $236.00 and retails the Rega Elys 2 for $295.00, but it has the Elys 2 on a closeout for $199.000. Both have elliptical styli. I would appreciate recommendations, even for other cartridges in the $200-250 range.