orz - Know Your Meme
orz (also known as OTL) is an emoticon used to express one's feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with …
Meaning of “orz”? Is it a slang? emoji? - Just a little Japanese
2017年7月19日 · “Orz”, which instantly looks like an abbreviation of some English word, was born in Japan and has recently begun to be used in other countries. Originally, on a personal news …
orz - Urban Dictionary
2004年5月10日 · orz is used in Japan's net-slang terms. "orz" is used to show when you are in a quick depression and sad or have given up on something. How it came to be this is that orz …
我问一下各位只友们,女生发orz什么意思呐? - 知乎
2019年9月1日 · ORZ,你把O看作人的头,把Z看成人的腿。 这样子看,ORZ这三个字母难道不像一个人双膝跪地,手撑着地面,一副要磕头的样子? 如果还不理解,一幅图帮你理解:(图 …
ORZ、OTZ分别是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年12月17日 · orz、otz是网络流行语,用来表达情绪或者状态。其中orz表示失意体前屈,是一种常见的网络表情。orz在网络交流中常用来表示无奈、失望或者沮丧等情绪。 otz则是一个 …
orz是什么意思?【网络语言】 - 百度知道
2024年8月22日 · 起初,它源于日本的网络表情符号,形似一个人失意后屈膝跪地,象征着悔恨、悲愤或面对拒绝时的无力感,常用于表白失败的情境中。 然而,随着其广泛使用,"orz"的含 …
Orz | Slang and Idioms Wiki | Fandom
orz is a posture emoticon representing someone on their hands and knees in frustration or defeat. It was first used in late 2002 at the forum on Techside, Japanese personal website. At the …
What does Orz mean? - Definitions.net
ORZ is an emoticon used in online conversations to depict a person kneeling down on the ground in a submissive or defeated manner. It is typically used to display a sense of powerlessness, …
Internet speak - orz - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
2012年1月20日 · I've seen several of my Japanese friends use "orz" in various types of posts on Facebook. What does "orz" mean? It's driving me nuts!
Orz 是失意体前屈的缩写,是一种源自于日本的网络象形文字(或心情图示),原本指网络流行的表情符号“ | ̄|_”, 这个形状好像是一个人被事情击垮跪在地上的样子,是用来形容被事情打 …