synchronization. With our OSA 5412 ensuring cost-effective, accurate and reliable synchronization distribution for next-generation technologies is no lo ger a challenge. This family of IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) grandmaster devices supporting 10Gbit/s as well as 1Gbit/s interfaces with hardware timestamping has been optimized for ...
OSA 5412 - oscilloquartz
The number of applications that require accurate phase, frequency and time- of-day synchronization at the edge of mobile backhaul networks is continuously increasing.
OSA 5410 Series - Oscilloquartz
Our OSA 5410 Series is a family of compact and cost-effective synchronization distribution and assurance devices with comprehensive Syncjack™ technology for timing distribution, monitoring, testing and timing service assurance. It offers unique flexibility by utilizing Synchronous Ethernet, NTP and PTP, including all relevant PTP profiles.
It offers unique flexibility by supporting the delivery and assurance of synchronization utilizing Synchronous Ethernet and PTP. The built-in GNSS receiver and grandmaster clock capability mean the OSA 5410 family can be used as a timing source for frequency, phase and time-of-day delivery, as well as a measurement reference for Syncjack™ tools.
Osa 5412 | PDF | Data Transmission | Internet Architecture
osa-5412 (1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. GPS Clock
5G 時刻同期ソリューション「OSA 5422/OSA5412」 | 東陽テク …
QZSSを含むGNSSマルチバンド受信レシーバー,10GbE標準搭載のPRTC-B, ePRTC対応OSA5422がリリース.
5G时代来临,ADVA推出新品OSA 5412 / OSA5422网络接入设备
OSA 5422是一款专业级OSA产品,可在恶劣环境中严格按照既有频率和相位变化运行,适用于极端条件下运转的GNSS设备。 此外,OSA 5422还支持BITS和IRIG等多种传统数据接口,数据传输更加便捷。
OSA5412 PTP主时钟、NTP服务器和GNSS接收机 - 通测科技
通过OSA 5412,确保为下一代技术提供经济高效、准确可靠的同步分发不再是一项挑战。 这一系列IEEE 1588v2精密时间协议(PTP)主时钟设备支持10Gbit/s以及带硬件时间戳的1Gbit/s接口,已针对网络边缘的部署进行了优化。
OSA 5412 and 5422 access grandmasters - SlideShare
2020年12月14日 · The OSA 5412 and 5422 address key sychronization challenges for communication service providers, enterprises, broadcast networks and power utilities. With multi-band GNSS receivers for nanosecond accuracy and support for eight field-upgradeable 10Gbit/s ports, they bring new levels of timing accuracy and resilience to edge networks.
This training course introduces the full OSA 54xx family and magnetic Cesium clock OSA3202B with basic features, using CLI and GUI for provisioning. Students will be introduced to basic synchronization concepts including PTP, NTP and SyncE.