Fluoride Ion Donor Properties of cis-OsO2F4: Synthesis, Raman ...
2009年12月1日 · The salt, [OsO2F3][Sb2F11], was synthesized by the reaction of cis-OsO2F4 with liquid SbF5 at 25 °C and was characterized by low-temperature Raman spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction....
OsO3F2 and OsO2F4, Preparation and Crystal Structures
OsO 2 F 4, obtained from KrF 2 and OsO 4, crystallizes in the space group P 6 1 forming a sixfold helical chain arrangement of nearly octahedral OsO 2 F 4 molecules. Oxygen or fluorine atoms are partially disordered. The cis orientation of the two oxygen atoms is established by means of NMR, vibrational spectroscopy, and X-ray data.
Fluoride Ion Donor Properties of cis-OsO2F4: Synthesis, Raman ...
2009年12月1日 · Osmium dioxide tetrafluoride, cw-OsO2F4, reacts with the strong fluoride ion acceptors AsF5 and SbF5 in anhydrous HF and SbF5 solutions to form orange salts.
Osmium tetrafluoride dioxide, cis-OsO2F4 | Journal of the …
2002年5月1日 · Fluoride Ion Donor Properties of cis-OsO2F4: Synthesis, Raman Spectroscopic Study, and X-ray Crystal Structure of [OsO2F3][Sb2F11]. Inorganic Chemistry 2010 , 49 (1) , 271-284.
Quantum‐Mechanical ab initio Investigation of the …
The equilibrium geometries of OsO 4, OsO 3 F 2, OsO 2 F 4 and OsF 8 are theoretically predicted by using quantum-mechanical ab initio methods at the Hartree-Fock and MP2 level of theory employing quasi-relativistic pseudopotentials for Os and 3 …
OsO2F4 (T = 119 K) Crystal Structure - SpringerMaterials
Explore the - crystalline lattice structure of OsO2F4 with lattice parameters, 3d interactive image of unit cell, cif file, lattice constants & more.
Synthesis and characterization of osmium oxide hexafluoride, OsOF6
1991年8月1日 · Osmium oxide hexafluoride OsOF 6 is prepared by fluorination of osmium tetraoxide using krypton difluoride in HF solution. This new Os (VIII) derivative is characterized by elemental analysis, X-ray powder data and vibrational spectroscopy. The fluorination of the ruthenium and osmium tetraoxides is compared and briefly discussed.
Fluorination of osmium and ruthenium oxides: characterization …
1992年8月1日 · Current results obtained on the fluorination of ruthenium and osmium oxides by strong fluorinating agents are presented. The product of the reaction of KrF 2 with OsO 4 in HF solution has been further characterized by 19 F NMR …
Fluoride ion donor properties of cis-OsO(2)F(4): synthesis, raman ...
The salt, [OsO(2)F(3)][Sb(2)F(11)], has been synthesized by dissolution of cis-OsO(2)F(4) in liquid SbF(5), followed by removal of excess SbF(5) at 0 degrees C to yield orange, crystalline [OsO(2)F(3)][Sb(2)F(11)]. The X-ray crystal structure (-173 degrees C) consists of an OsO(2)F(3)(+) cation fluorine bridged to an Sb(2)F(11)(-) anion. The light atoms of OsO(2)F(3)(+) and the bridging ...
MacSphere: Flouride Ion Donor-Acceptr Properties of cis-OsO2F4 …
The structure of the salt consists of a closely associated ion-pair in which a fluorine atom from the anion coordinates to the cation rendering the osmium atom pseudo-octahedral. Reaction of cis-OsO2F4 with the fluoride ion sources [M][F] (M = Cs+ and N(CH3)4+) yielded the corresponding salts of the OsO2F5- anion.