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The Hong Kong Cybersecurity Talent Development Summit, co-organised by HKMU and the National Policy Research Institute, brought together experts from research, academia and industry to explore strategies and challenges in cultivating cybersecurity talent in Hong Kong, aiming to develop related professionals equipped with both expertise and practical experience.
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正值都大「何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心」(中心)會址開幕一周年,中心於3月21日以「粵譯傳海外 戲文永留芳」為主題,與圖書館宣布成立「粵劇劇本翻譯典藏庫」,並於網上發布首批經典粵劇劇本的英譯本,供全球學者及粵劇愛好者研究與欣賞。
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Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Wikipedia
Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) is a public university in Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong.It is the only self-financing university set up by the Hong Kong government. The university opened in 1989 as the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong and gained university status in 1997 as the Open University of Hong Kong, focused on distance learning.
HKMU Channel - YouTube
Founded in 1989 by the Hong Kong Government, The Open University of Hong Kong was retitled ‘Hong Kong Metropolitan University’ (HKMU) on 1 September 2021. HK...
香港都會大學 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
教师人數: 1,355人: 学生人數: 20,024人: 本科生人數: 16,252人: 研究生人數: 3,772人: 校址 香港 九龍 何文田 [7] 校區: 本部校園(何文田): 正校園(牧愛街30號) 賽馬會校園(忠孝街81號) 香港都會大學護理及健康學院(常盛街1號) 李嘉誠專業進修學院:
香港都會大學 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
香港公開大學創校嗰陣叫香港公開進修學院(英文: Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong ),1997年開始改叫香港公開大學(英文: The Open University of Hong Kong ,縮寫:OUHK)。 2020年12月,校方決定改名做香港都會大學(英文: Hong Kong Metropolitan University ),新校名喺2021年9月1號生效 [1] 。
Online Learning Environment ... (HKMU)
The HKMU's Personal Data Protection Policy. When you visit the OLE, we collect general information about your visits.. The information will be used for student and university administration and research purposes.
About the OUHK - Hong Kong Metropolitan University
May 4, 2021 · Welcome to The Open University of Hong Kong. Founded in 1989, The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) today is a modern university with about 10,000 full-time undergraduates, 1,900 postgraduates and 8,700 part-time students.
Effective From 1 September 2021, the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK ...
Hong Kong, 9th September, 2021 - Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989 as a provider of distance education, The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) began offering full-time programmes in 2001. Over the years OUHK have grown into a leader in open and flexible education in the Asia Pacific region, and our full-time face-to-face programmes for qualified …