OVERT中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
OVERT翻译:公开的,明显的,毫不隐瞒的。 了解更多。
一心二用?——注意力维度与模型 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
注意还可以分为外显性注意(overt attention) 和内隐性注意(covert attention)。外显性注意是为了更好的接收信息,让感觉器官转向外界刺激。比如说当有人对我们说话的时候,我们去抬头看他们或者更加专注的听他们说话,这就是外显性注意。
和 "distinct" 和 "evident" 和 "overt" 和 "apparent - HiNative
There were 3 very distinct categories (meaning they were obviously different it's plain to see) Overt is open to see obvious to see. For example he was not overt about it at all (meaning he did not hide he was open for all to see he didn't try to hide it very open about his actions )
Shame: Part 4 : Covert vs Overt | Taylor Counseling Group
2017年11月30日 · OVERT. Shame messages are sent in an open way; Value isn’t given – “I wish you had never been born.” Praise isn’t given – “You will never amount to anything.” Attention is conditional; The idea that you will never be enough is explicit; COMMON SHAME MESSAGES SENT BY THE FAMILY. You are not good – basically, there is something ...
Overt Behavior: Definition, Examples, and Significance
2024年9月22日 · Overt behaviors are the bread and butter of psychological observation. They’re the tangible, measurable actions that we can see, hear, and sometimes even smell or touch. Unlike the hidden realm of thoughts and feelings, overt behaviors give us concrete data to …
Examining the Concept of a Death Wish in Psychology
2024年3月19日 · A death wish is a desire for one’s own death, often associated with mental health disorders, traumatic events, chronic stress, and substance abuse. Signs and symptoms of a death wish include suicidal thoughts and behaviors, self …
To wish or not to wish: Modality and (metalinguistic) negation
2018年11月21日 · Movement to these heads can be covert, as argued for English by Moscati. It can also be overt, as attested by the French examples below, where the inflected verb in (44b) inverts with the pronominal subject in negative interrogatives: 26
Differences between overt, covert and natural attention shifts to ...
2024年11月1日 · People mainly employ attention to the world around them in two ways: using (1) overt attention, i.e. looking at the target of attention, and (2) covert attention, i.e. attending to but not looking at the target of attention. In real life, both types of attention occur flexibly and their mechanisms may even be intertwined (Blair & Ristic, 2019).
overt | English Definition & Examples | Ludwig
The word 'overt' is correct and usable in written English. It can be used as an adjective to describe something that is done openly and without attempting to conceal it. For example: "His overt hostility made it difficult for us to continue the conversation.".
explicit wishes | English examples in context | Ludwig
High quality example sentences with “explicit wishes” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English