overextended/ox_inventory: Slot-based inventory with metadata. - GitHub
Supports player-owned vehicles, licenses, and group systems implemented by frameworks. Fully synchronised, allowing multiple players to access the same inventory. Inventory items are stored per-slot, with customisable metadata to support item uniqueness. Overrides default weapon-system with weapons as items.
MDLIVEGAMINGYT/ox_inventory - GitHub
Supports player-owned vehicles, licenses, and group systems implemented by frameworks. Fully synchronised, allowing multiple players to access the same inventory. Inventory items are …
[Release] project_unk - ox_inventory [RedM edition] [Fork]
2022年6月21日 · This fork adaptation for RedM is huge WIP and should be used by experienced developers (in this state) The situation with RedM is like, everybody keeps stuff “behind” closed doors. I would like to contribute with other people with decent own resources / open src that could be used from FiveM.
GitHub - overextended/ox_inventory_v3: Rewrite of ox_inventory …
Rewrite of ox_inventory using TypeScript and Svelte. For testing purposes only. - overextended/ox_inventory_v3
Making Traditional Twisted Whips - YouTube
A quick lesson in how to make a traditional twisted ox whip
FRVGS OX Inventory reDesign - Free FiveM Scripts
2024年9月24日 · Redesigned inventory slots, buttons, and a weight bar now feature smooth animations, providing a more fluid interaction. A dedicated media query for 2160p (4K) monitors ensures that users with high-resolution displays enjoy optimized visuals, while a new panel for server information offers quick access to essential data.
whip - pioneergirl.com
BLACK-SNAKE / BLACKSNAKE WHIP / OX-WHIP. Mr. Wilder’s blacksnake ox whip was described as having a handle loaded with iron that could kill an ox, and was fifteen feet long. In the manuscript for Farmer Boy , there was a bit more detail: It had a long flexible lash made of leather strands braided together.
Ox Whip Lash Making - YouTube
In this video I am demonstrating the making of a six strand whip lash for a Deutsch whip. These six foot whip lashes are commonly used with oxen primarily i...
Lloyd Legge- Ox whip maker - YouTube
When he's not tending to his farming chores, he's often at the kitchen table making a new whip for an ox team driver. Each piece is custom fitted and made....more. Lloyd Legge lives on the...
ox使用教程 - 随性科技教程 - ZIDOO
2023年3月2日 · 随性科技教程 - ox使用教程, 注册 进入0x官网:[https://0xcheats.net/register/](https://0xcheat,技术团队的文档管理平台,接口文档工具,支持在线接口调试,一键生成API文档,适合编写接口文档、产品文档、使用手册