P-83釩式半自動手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-83 Wanad(波蘭語: Wanad ,意為:钒)是一款由波兰在Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy國家研究所中由槍械設計師Ryszard Chełmicki和馬利安·吉史格佛斯(Marian Gryszkiewicz)所研製、位於拉多姆的 阿切爾武器工廠 ( 英语 : FB "Łucznik" Radom ) (現稱:Fabryka Broni Łucznik)所生產 ...
FB P-83 Wanad - Wikipedia
The P-83 Wanad (Pl. Vanadium) is a single-action and double-action Polish semi-automatic pistol, chambered for the 9×18mm Makarov cartridge and designed by Ryszard Chełmicki and Marian Gryszkiewicz of the state research institute Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy in Radom. The P-83 succeeded the P-64 as the sidearm for the Polish Army and police ...
Polish P-83 Wanad Pistol | An Official Journal Of The NRA
The P-83 features a DA/SA trigger system and simple straight-blowback operating system like the P-64.
Bell XP-83 - Wikipedia
In March 1944, the United States Army Air Forces requested Bell to design a fighter with increased endurance and formally awarded a contract for two prototypes on 31 July 1944. Bell had been working on its "Model 40" interceptor design since 1943.
Review: Polish Military Surplus P-83 Wanad Pistol - OutdoorHub
Jan 11, 2016 · Like the P-64 it replaced and the Makarov it resembles, it is a direct blowback semiautomatic pistol chambered in 9x18mm Makarov. The P-83 features a 3.8-inch barrel, a double-/single-action...
P-83 ( NOT P-38 ) PSTL LUCZNIK - Guns International
Jan 20, 2011 · p-83 ( not p-38 ) pstl lucznik - p83, 9-mm mak, 3.5 " barrel, blued, polish military, with holater & exter mag with cleaning description: pre owned, in real nice coudition p83 wandad is manufactured at radom (factory 11) by z.m. lucznic. features a chrome bore double action trigger, slide mounted decocker, slide lock & external hammer.
P-83 - Modern Firearms
P-83 is a blowback operated, semiautomatic pistol. Both frame and slide are made by stamping, forming and welding from steel sheet parts to minimize production costs. Grip panels are plastic. Double action trigger with slide-mounted decocking safety and external hammer provide necessary safety and handling features.
Polish P-83 Wanad Service Pistol - Collectors Weekly
The P-83 Wanad is a single and double action Polish semi-automatic pistol, chambered for the 9×18mm Makarov cartridge. It was designed by Ryszard Che?micki and Marian Gryszkiewicz of the state research institute O?rodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy in Radom. The P-83 replaced the P-64 as the service pistol of the Polish Army and police forces.
Polish ~ P-83 ~ 9x18mm Makarov - Guns International
Here we have a Polish P-83 chambered in 9x18mm Makarov. This pistol is dated 1989 and bears a Century Arms import mark. Also included are a holster and extra magazine. 9x18 Makarov
P83 Polish Makarov Pistol 9x18mm, Surplus Very Good - Classic Firearms
These 9x18 caliber Makarov pistols come with 1-7rd magazine. Pistols feature a 3 1/2" barrel, are double action and h.